Eurispes report, with Covid 444 thousand jobs lost: 312 thousand are women

The most penalized in Italy by the impact of the Covid-19 health emergency are women. This was stated by the Eurispes Italy Report, according to which Istat certifies that after the first ten months of the pandemic 444,000 jobs have been lost, 312,000 of which are women, 132,000 men. It is not difficult to imagine it, in a country that has never had a Prime Minister or a female President of the Republic, which sees a very clear male predominance at the party secretariat, in ministries, in trade unions, in all institutional roles and at the top of the big companies. According to Eurispes, the gap between female and male employment rates continues to be among the highest in Europe and the 2020 Global Gender Gap Report reports that Italy is only 76th in the world ranking on wage parity (it has lost 6 places compared to 2019 ). The average monthly income of women in Italy is 18% lower than that of men; the gap rises to 30% in couples with children (Eige, European Institute for gender Equality). This disparity is all the more absurd when we consider that women have a higher average level of education and better school results.The reasons are mainly to be found in the fact that women workers are more often in a weak position, with less stable contracts, part-time, in sectors that do not allow remote work. If a lot is written and talked about the gender of nouns – director or director, minister or minister, mayor or mayor -, much less is done to remedy disparities such as that well illustrated by the numbers relating to the national labor market and the lack of adequate and effective tools for reconciling domestic and extra-domestic commitments. Shortcomings that too often result in the renunciation or forced exclusion of Italian women from the working world. The preferential choice of sectors that allow the reconciliation between work and family, especially in terms of hours (school, clerical activities, personal services, part-time, etc.) and the cultural resistance that identifies some professions as’ male ‘or’ women ‘penalize women, although more educated, in terms of career and salaries. 11.1% of Italian women have never worked precisely to have the opportunity to take care of the family (Oxfam 2020, ‘The value of care’). Furthermore, women receive 37% less pension (Istat), as a result of a path that sees fewer paid working hours and less paid working hours.