Deaths at work on the rise, 185 in the first quarter of 2021

The reports of accidents at work with a fatal outcome submitted to Inail by March were 185, 19 more than the 166 reports registered in the first quarter of 2020 (+ 11.4%), the effect of the increases observed in all months of 2021 compared to those of 2020. At the national level, the data collected at 31 March of each year show for the first quarter of this year only a decrease in ongoing cases, which went from 52 to 31, while those that occurred on the occasion of work were 40 more (from 114 to 154). The increase concerned all three insurance management of industry and services (from 146 to 158 complaints), agriculture (from 11 to 16) and the State account (from 9 to 11). The territorial analysis shows an increase of two fatal cases in the North-West (from 45 to 47), of four in the North-East (from 34 to 38) and of 11 cases both in the Center (from 23 to 34) and in the South. (47 to 58). In the islands, on the other hand, there is a decrease of nine deaths (from 17 to 8). The regions with the greatest increase are Lazio (+12 cases), Abruzzo (+8), Lombardy (+6) and Campania (+5), those with the greatest decrease in Sicily (-7 cases ), Piedmont and Puglia (-4 deaths for both) .The increase recorded in the comparison between the first quarters of 2020 and 2021 is linked both to the male component, whose reported fatalities rose from 155 to 171, and to that female, who recorded three more cases (11 to 14). The increase concerns only the complaints of Italian workers (from 137 to 158), while those of EU workers (from 10 to 9) and non-EU workers (from 19 to 18) are decreasing. The analysis by age group shows decreases for the under 40s (-17 deaths), while among the over 40s there was an increase in the 50-59 years (from 52 to 70 cases) and 60-69 years (from 19 to 38). Injuries, over 2,000 fewer cases in one year

As for the reports of accidents at work submitted to Inail by last March, 128,671 were reported, down by over two thousand cases (-1.7%) compared to 130,905 in the first quarter of 2020. The decrease of 1.7 % of the entire period is the summary of a decrease in complaints observed in the first two months (-12%) and an increase in March (+ 35%) in the comparison between the two years. The data collected as of March 31 of each year show a decrease at national level only in accidents during the journey, that is, occurring on the return journey between the home and the workplace, which recorded a decrease of 23.4 %, from 17,477 to 13,385, as opposed to cases occurring at work which are up by 1.6%, from 113,428 to 115,286.The decrease that emerges from the comparison of the first quarters of 2020 and 2021 is linked only to the male component, which recorded a -5.0% (from 81,203 to 77,121 complaints), while the female component showed an increase of 3.7% (from 49,702 to 51,550). The decrease affected only Italian workers (-3.2%), as opposed to EU workers (+ 6.9%) and non-EU workers (+ 5.6%). The analysis by age group shows decreases only between under 20 (-51.3%) and over 70 (-11.0%), while for the other age groups there are generalized increases, in particular for those 30-34 years (+ 12.1%) and 55-59 years (+ 10.4%). Over 500 fewer complaints of occupational disease in one year As regards the complaints of occupational disease registered by Inail in the first quarter of 2021 there were 13,583, over 500 fewer than in the same period of 2020 (-3.7%), synthesis of a 26% decline in the first two months and a 62% increase in March alone in the comparison between the two years. Decreases were recorded in industry and services (down by 3.3%, from 11,634 to 11,248 cases), in agriculture (-4.0%, from 2,303 to 2,210) and in the State Account (-23.8%, From 164 to 125), the territorial analysis shows decreases in the North-West (-16.6%) and in the Islands (-23.8%), while the pathologies reported are increasing in the North-East (+1.0 %), in the Center (+ 0.9%) and in the South (+ 1.9%). From a gender perspective, there are 327 fewer reports of occupational disease for workers, from 10,236 to 9,909 (-3.2%) and 191 fewer for female workers, from 3,865 to 3,674 (- 4.9%). The decrease affected both the complaints of Italian workers, which went from 13,088 to 12,576 (equal to a decrease of 3.9%), and those of EU citizens, from 350 to 320 (-8.6%). The cases of non-EU workers are instead increasing, from 663 to 687 (+3.6%). The pathologies of the osteo-muscular system and of the connective tissue, of the nervous system and of the ear continue to represent, even in the first quarter of 2021, the first three occupational diseases reported, followed by those of the respiratory system and tumors. In one year + 75% cases in the health and social assistance sector

The number of accidents at work reported to Inail by last March in one year increased by 6.8% in the management of industry and services (from 102,657 cases in 2020 to 109,662 in 2021), while it decreased by 6.2 % in agriculture (from 6,281 to 5,891) and of 40.3% in the State account (from 21,967 to 13,118) .Among the economic sectors, the ateco sector ‘health and social assistance’ still stands out, which in the first quarter of 2021 shows an increase 75% of accidents occurred during work compared to the same period of 2020. The territorial analysis shows a decrease in complaints in the North-West (-5.6%), in the South (-2.7%), in the Islands (-2.4%) and in the Center (-0.4%), while the North-East showed an increase of 1.9%. Among the regions, the greatest percentage decreases are those of Valle d’Aosta, Puglia, the Autonomous Province of Trento and Calabria, while the most consistent increases were recorded in Molise, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Campania.