Inveo, Dpo Higher Education is back in June with the patronage of the Privacy Guarantor

In June, Dpo High Training returns, the specialized training course dedicated to Dpos, sponsored by the Guarantor of the Protection of Personal Data, who want to deepen the issues related to the ISO technical regulations referred to by the Gdpr. Now in its fifth edition, the extra-academic course, organized by the certification body and GDPR training center Inveo, has been studied and designed to provide Dpo with advanced knowledge of standardization and ISO standards in order to improve their analysis and supervision skills (VIDEO ). 48 hours from the legal, technical and methodological perspective (divided into 5 sessions over 3 weeks | 10-11-17-18-25 June) whose last stage of the path will see the participants engaged as ‘observers’ in an audit of 1 , 2 or 3 parts alongside the Inveo body. A practical and operational training method to provide specific skills, through the meeting with speakers of consolidated experience and prestige will allow you to deepen and specialize your skills with updates on recent legislative and technical innovations. for young Dpo dedicated to the memory of Giovanni Buttarelli, who collaborated closely with the teacher Riccardo Giannetti in the European work tables and enlightened inspirer of a global culture and without barriers for the disclosure of data protection issues. The course is recognized by the National Forensic Council. Complete program and registration info: Platformazionedpo