Shock absorber reform, Orlando: “We are at the last mile”

“I trust there may be this goal”. Thus the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando answers the question whether the reform of the social safety nets will be ready by the summer in an interview with Rainews from the G20 in Catania. “We are on the last mile,” Orlando explains. “I am holding bilateral talks in these days, then on my return from Catania I will meet – he explains – the competent ministers who have not yet been involved, then we will assess the costs and then we will be ready to produce a written text to be submitted to the social partners. I think that the times we have committed ourselves to will be respected “.” It is a question of understanding which regulatory vehicle is most suitable for implementing all or part of the reform; whether to do it in a single intervention or to do it in several interventions “but the work on the definition of the the plant is “completed we are really – he concludes – at the last mile”.