Imu 2021, deposit by June 16: here are all the benefits

Imu 2021, on Wednesday 16 June the deposit for the property tax must be paid. There are many benefits, old and new. From the discount for pensioners residing abroad, to the exemption for hotels, holiday farms, discos and fairs. These are added to the list of properties that are already beneficiaries of special treatments, such as the first house, unusable structures, buildings of historical value and those of the Holy See. In view of the approaching deadline, the Center for Local Authority Studies in an analysis prepared for Adnkronos recalls the benefits, old and new, that concern the IMU. Pensioners residing abroad The reduction for pensioners residing abroad with a pension under an international agreement begins, who can pay 50% of the tax if they meet the following requirements: be holders of a pension accrued under an international agreement with Italy (for affiliated countries); be resident in an insurance country other than Italy. For these subjects, an Imu reduction of 50% is applied to the only home owned in Italy by way of property or usufruct, not rented or given on loan for use. In addition to the IMU reduction, the Tari reduction of 2/3 of the amount due is also applied. Covid emergency and exemptions: who concerns the covid emergency has led the legislator to introduce a series of exemptions from the payment of the first Imu installment which will concern properties used as spas, seaside, lake and river bathing establishments. for hotels and pensions and related appurtenances, agritourisms, tourist villages, youth hostels, mountain refuges, marine and mountain colonies, landlords for short stays, holiday homes and apartments, bed and breakfasts, residences and campsites (provided that the owners of properties belonging to cadastral category D in use by companies engaged in the setting up of exhibition structures in the context of trade fairs or exhibitions will not have to pay the tax; discos, dance halls, night clubs and the like (also in this case, provided that the taxable persons are also managers of the activities). The list of exempt from payment also includes properties owned by taxable persons who qualify for access to the contributions provided for by the support decree, provided that they are also managers. Finally, the Imu must not be paid by cinemas, theaters and halls for concerts and shows, provided that the related taxable persons are also managers of the activities exercised there (always provided that the taxable persons are also managers of the related activities, the exemption applies up to the IMU balance 2022). some reductions have been confirmed, such as for uninhabitable / uninhabitable properties that will be able to take advantage of a 50% discount, upon presentation of self-certification declaring possession of an appraisal drawn up by a technician certifying the state of the property. Tax halved also for buildings of historical or artistic value with direct constraint recognized by the superintendency. Imu at 50%, to those who have to pay only 50% of Imu are also the owners of residential properties, not luxury, given in loan for use to relatives in a straight line (for a single real estate unit, with registered contract and on condition that the bailor owns only one home in Italy and resides in the registry office and habitually resides in the same municipality where the property granted on loan is located) . The benefit also applies in the event that the lender, in addition to the property granted on loan, owns another property in the same municipality that is used as his main, non-luxury residence. On the other hand, for properties leased at an agreed rent with a registered contract, a discount of 25% is envisaged. main residence and related appurtenances of the assignee members; real estate units belonging to building cooperatives with undivided ownership intended for university students who are assignees, even in the absence of registered residence; residential buildings intended for social housing used as main residence; the family home assigned to the custodial parent of the children, following a court order which also constitutes, for the sole purpose of applying the tax, the right of residence of the custodial parent himself. Furthermore; the owners of a single property, registered or inscribed in the urban building register as a single real estate unit, owned and not leased by permanent staff belonging to the Armed Forces and to the Military Police Forces and by that employed by the Police Forces civil law, as well as by the personnel of the National Fire Brigade and, with some exceptions, by personnel belonging to the prefectural career, for which the conditions of habitual residence and registered residence are not required. possibility of exempting from payment the real estate unit owned by the elderly or disabled who acquire residence in hospital or health establishments following permanent hospitalization, provided that the same is not rented. In the case of several real estate units, the aforementioned facility can be applied to a single real estate unit. Furthermore, it is recalled that the exemptions also apply to properties owned by the State, municipalities, and properties owned, in their own territory, by the regions, by the provinces, by mountain communities, by consortia between said entities, by service entities. national health care, intended exclusively for institutional tasks, to which are added some types of buildings: classified or classifiable in cadastral categories from E / 1 to E / 9; with destination for cultural uses pursuant to art. 5-bis of the Dpr. n. 60/1973; intended exclusively for the exercise of worship (provided it is compatible with the provisions of articles 8 and 19 of the Constitution) and their pertinence; owned by the Holy See; belonging to foreign states and international organizations for which exemption from local tax on the income of buildings is envisaged on the basis of international agreements made enforceable in Italy. exclusively to carry out the so-called worthy activities envisaged by the law in non-commercial ways. And those given on free loan to the municipality or other territorial body, or to a non-commercial body, exclusively for the exercise of the respective institutional or statutory purposes (but only if provided for by the Municipality in its Regulations). the exemptions concern those: owned and conducted by direct farmers and professional agricultural entrepreneurs registered in the agricultural pension, including agricultural companies, regardless of their location; which are located in the municipalities of the smaller islands referred to in Annex A to Law no. 448/2001; to unchanging agrosilvo-pastoral use with indivisible and unuseful collective property; falling in mountain or hill areas delimited by the Mef Circular no. 9/1993.

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