Rdc, Mastrapasqua: “INPS do preventive checks immediately, stop with scams”

” The INPS immediately checks those who receive the Citizenship Income irregularly. Enough with the scams worth billions, the country can no longer bear it ”. The former president of INPS, Antonio Mastrapasqua, thus comments to the Adnkronos on the new blitz of the Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri against the ‘crafty’ of the DRC. ” I believe that after what emerged yesterday, we cannot continue to treat the Citizenship Income as something that will be reformed – continues Mastrapasqua -. A Commission has been set up at the Ministry of Labor, chaired by an authoritative person. I remember the joke from a long time ago, if you don’t want to solve a problem or want to postpone it, create a commission. I believe that this is no longer possible on Citizenship Income ”. ” Here there is a very serious problem – continues Mastrapasqua -. Yesterday, the Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri said that 30% of the people we checked receive the Citizenship Income irregularly. On a disbursement of around 8-9 billion euros, there could be 2-3 billion irregular recipients. This is something that the country cannot accept, but it cannot even wait for the times of politics and decision-makers who say they want to solve the problem but seem to want to do it. ” I know that even today there is no connection with the Ministry of Grace and Justice, there is no stable connection with the Municipalities, with Aci – explains the former INPS president -. In short, to date INPS is unable to carry out the checks that the law provides. So it is happening that INPS disburses and reserves the right to carry out subsequent checks, while Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri are carrying out a series of administrative checks, in the absence of the checks that INPS could have done in advance ”. ” I would like to remind you that in 2009 and 2010 the INPS under my guidance on civil disability made an extraordinary check of about 800 thousand disabled people, revoking 25%, therefore 200 thousand revocations – explains Mastrapasqua -. Today, however, the same people are unable to carry out the checks. The INPS can carry out the checks, but has not been able to do them, on the basis of a provision that is certainly poorly written and on the basis of a willingness to disburse it before ascertaining the ability to receive the subsidy. I am convinced that today the INPS has all the capabilities and the possibility to supply only following the checks carried out “.” If some checks are not possible, I do not believe that in a civilized country like Italy it should be disbursed before having ascertained the regularity of the earner. Controls cannot be delegated to the Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri, chasing people all over Italy to check if they have a home. They have much else to do ”, says Mastrapasqua. ” I wonder – he continues – why the Court of Auditors does not intervene on a waste of public money that is appearing to be incredibly large “.” The first thing to do – he underlines – is to give an indication to INPS to disburse only in the presence of the prior verification of all the requirements. If this verification is not present, the Citizenship Income is not paid. The INPS should also make an extraordinary verification of the current recipients to verify if they have the requirements and if not, revoke them ”. ” A benefit such as the Citizenship Income which is a fair measure. But when it is given to people without rights, I believe that civil society – adds Mastrapasqua – receives a scar on its reputation far more serious than many other things for which our country is indignant. There is nothing worse than giving the subsidy to those who do not deserve it and steal resources from those who deserve it. It is also an ethical-moral fact and not just a political-administrative one ”. ” I am thrilled that this is still being discussed – concludes Mastrapasqua – INPS provides millions of benefits of all kinds, from layoffs, mobility, pensions, social pensions, and is able to do the checks. He must be enabled to do so. The country can no longer open the newspaper every day and see that hundreds and hundreds of millions are wasted. ”

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