Excessive daytime sleepiness, new treatment available in Italy

A new drug is available in Italy, pitolisant (Ozawade *), indicated to improve wakefulness and reduce excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea (Osa) in whom EDS has been unsatisfactorily treated by primary therapy for sleep apnea, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or in which such therapy has not … Read more

Digital diary helps patients monitor immune thrombocytopenia

Always have data, documents and useful advice at hand to manage primary immune thrombocytopenia (Itp). Thanks to a new digital tool, patients suffering from a rare autoimmune disorder characterized by a reduced number of platelets in the blood can keep track, day after day, of the symptoms of the disease, check the trend of the … Read more

Pisani (Ailar): “Communication between our main missions”

“Communication is one of Ailar’s main missions”, the Italian Laryngectomy Association. President Paolo Pisani underlines this, on the sidelines of the presentation of Merck’s ‘La Mia Voce’ App at the Genoa Science Festival. The application, which can be downloaded for free from the Apple Store and Google Play in several languages, is one of the … Read more

Licitra (UniMi): “App My voice allows you to overcome language difficulties”

People with head and neck cancer find themselves voiceless or with difficulty speaking. For Lisa Licitra, associate professor, Department of Oncology and Hemato-Oncology of the University of Milan, “it is very important to be able to take advantage of the technology we have available today to provide tools that facilitate communication”. Among these tools, the … Read more

Bocchetti (Merck): “My Voice App to communicate with caregivers and doctors”

The Merck ‘My Voice’ App, presented in its updated version at the Genoa Science Festival, offers patients “the opportunity to take advantage of a series of tools aimed at encouraging dialogue also with caregivers and general practitioners” . This is how Fabrizio Bocchetti, Director of the Merck Oncology Business Unit, describes the potential of the … Read more

Altroconsumo, + 59% pharmacy and parapharmacy sites but regulatory criticalities

In three years, from 2019 to today, the online sites of pharmacies and parapharmacies authorized for sale have registered an increase of 59%, but if “they represent an important saving opportunity”, there are still “critical issues regarding the application of the rules”. This is what emerges from a survey conducted by Altroconsumo, according to which … Read more

Consulcesi, ‘double test to enter Medicine does not reward merit’

While the San Raffaele University of Milan has recently announced the opening date for enrollment in the admission tests to Medicine, scheduled for October 25, inaugurating the formula of the ‘double test’ introduced by the reform, the experts continue to remain skeptical. The Consulcesi experts, who have been involved in offering assistance to aspiring doctors … Read more

Shortage of drugs in Italy, Federfarma alarm

According to Aifa data, about 3 thousand medicines are missing including paracetamol, antidepressants and antibiotics Federfarma raises the alarm on the shortage of drugs throughout the national territory. According to AIFA data, about 3 thousand medicines are missing including paracetamol, antidepressants and antibiotics. There is a strong shortage of ibuprofen, especially from 600 and 800, … Read more

Surgery, study confirms less invasive bariatric procedure efficacy

After the recent authorization by the American drug agency Fda for the marketing of Apollo Esg * in the treatment of obesity, comes the publication of the Merit study (Multi-center Esg Randomized Interventional Trial), a reference work for the efficacy and safety of the ESG procedure of endoscopic vertical gastroplasty. This was announced by Apollo … Read more

Bms, myelodysplasia therapy frees 48% of patients from transfusions for 8 weeks

Almost half (48%) of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes presenting with ring sideroblasts treated with a new therapy (luspatercept) are free from blood transfusions for at least 8 weeks. A very important result for people forced to go to transfusion centers frequently, even every week. The advantages, especially for those with severe anemia, are reflected in … Read more

In Lombardy 700 thousand women with vulvodynia

In Lombardy 700 thousand women suffer from vulvodynia, 600 thousand have disorders related to urinary incontinence, 500 thousand are affected by sclero-atrophic lichen which affects 1.4 million, already in menopause. These are the data of a survey illustrated on the occasion of the ‘Stop Intimate Disorders’ conference, promoted by the director of Studio Egeria in … Read more

Dormitzer (Gsk): “Herpes Zoster vaccine model for other infections”

“Considering the aging of the population”, the recombinant vaccine against Herpes Zoster “is a model of application of scientific research not only for this disease, but also for other vaccines, because it works by reactivating immunity, which declines over the years “Or due to diseases or treatments.” Unlike others that facilitate the entry of antigen … Read more

Test-tube grown hair follicles, an anti-baldness hope

Hair follicles grown and grown ‘in test tubes’: an aid to pharmacological research and a hope for new anti-baldness treatments. This is the result announced by a group of Japanese scientists from Yokohama National University, in a study published in ‘Science Advances’. The team managed to obtain in vitro, with an efficiency of almost 100%, … Read more

Health, Sirm: good job to the new minister Schillaci

To the new Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci “go the heartfelt congratulations for the prestigious position and the warmest wishes for a good job from the president and the managing council of Sirm and from the whole Italian radiological community”. Thus the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (Sirm) in a note.