Pasta delight of the table, here’s how to choose it

Icon of Italian food in the world, pasta is a dish that represents and distinguishes us. As long as it is perfect, elastic and of the right consistency: Altroconsumo has tested the pens of the most popular brands on the shelves to find the best ones. Here’s how it went. Classic penne rigate If we … Read more

Sardex Pay, a complementary currency for the national market

SardexPay in the first quarter of 2021 grows by 80% and the equity crowdfunding campaign in two weeks exceeds the 600,000 euro target and sets itself the new goal of 900,000 euro. The aim is to further accelerate the development of innovative solutions and services for companies and the even faster growth of the Community, … Read more

Support decree: from taxes and taxes to family aid, the news

Extensions and postponements for evictions, taxes, fringe benefits, vouchers and tickets for outdoor shows. But also ad hoc measures for families, including an allowance for separated families in difficulty and the decision to declare the citizenship income ‘unclear’. And again, concessions for the sectors that have suffered the most due to the economic crisis triggered … Read more

Crac alarm, pressing M5S for common anti-failure solution

From Riace to Gallipoli, from Bagheria to Scilla: these are not the destinations of a coveted Covid free summer between sea and culture, but are just some of the more than 400 local authorities at risk of financial collapse. The Five Star Movement raised the alarm with Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio and Deputy Minister … Read more

Tech Share Day 2021, Italian environmental technologies on show

Digital transition and ecological transition are at the heart of national and European policies and investment in technology and innovation is today a strategic contribution to the industrial, economic and social growth of our country. This path includes the online event ‘Tech Share Day 2021’, from 5 to 7 May 2021, organized by Netval, Uibm, … Read more

Insect like food, Europe’s first ok

The EU authorizes an insect as food for the first time. The committee on plants, animals, food and feed, composed of representatives of the Member States and the Commission, gave yesterday, the EU executive communicates today, an opinion in favor of the legal act authorizing the placing on the market of dried Tenebrione larvae miller … Read more

Pensions, granting 12 months per child to mothers: the proposal

The hypothesis put forward by the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra, to bring forward the retirement age Recognize 12 months per child to bring forward the retirement age. This is the proposal launched by the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra, on the occasion of the initiative of Cgil, Cisl, Uil on … Read more

World Password Day, here is the ToothPic vademecum

Using strong and constantly updated passwords is one of the first steps to take to protect your sensitive data online. To reiterate this, on the occasion of the World Password Day on May 7, is ToothPic, the innovative startup operating in the cyber-security sector and whose mission is to help organizations protect their digital services. … Read more

Poste Italiane invests in the future with BancoPosta Focus Relaunch 2026

In collaboration with Postenews Final placement days for Poste Italiane’s new thematic investment fund. It’s called BancoPosta Focus Rilancio 2026, explains the company in a note, the innovative balanced income distribution bond fund that invests in economic “megatrends” with the most interesting growth potential for the near future. According to BancoPostaFondi SGR, the savings management … Read more

Quantum supremacy: 1000x faster computers for financial transactions

Goldman Sachs focuses, together with startup QC Ware, on quantum computing, designing algorithms that could be used on hardware available in five years. Quantum algorithms developed for financial applications, especially with regards to risk assessment and price simulation for a variety of financial instruments. Compared to traditional hardware, algorithmic computers perform the complex calculations necessary … Read more