“Ethnic cleansing in certain neighborhoods”: Damien Abad, head of LR deputies, condemns the words of Gilles Platret – archyworldys

The Republicans (LR) have not finished tearing their back line. Following the comments made on CNews Tuesday October 5 by Gilles Platret, one of the vice-presidents of the party, where he evokes a “Ethnic cleansing” which would be led by “A Muslim bloc” “in certain neighborhoods”, the leader of the LR group in the National Assembly, Damien Abad, raises his voice Thursday. On the same antenna, the latter indeed condemned the words of Mr. Platret, which he judges “Not acceptable” and said in “Total disagreement” with the vice-president of his party.

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Gilles Platret, who is also mayor of Chalon-sur-Saône (Saône-et-Loire), said in Jean-Marc Morandini’s program on CNews that “What we see today in certain neighborhoods – and I am going to use a word which will inevitably make people react around this table – I feel a kind of ethnic cleansing”. He had mentioned “People of foreign origin who gradually hunt what is called in demography natives, that is to say people from the country, to make room” and “Push out” those who do not belong to “A Muslim bloc”.

Refuse the “foot calls to Eric Zemmour or Mme The pen “

“Our mission on the right must be to reconcile the French”, no “Fracture French society”Damien Abad replied firmly on Thursday. He adds : “I tell my political family that it is not by winking or calling with the foot to Eric Zemmour or Mr.me Le Pen that we will attract voters to us. “ For the boss of LR deputies, the right “Must bear strong convictions on political projects” instead of “Run with shallot from such and such a word, such excess or such excess.” “

Invited again in the morning at the microphone of CNews in front of the deputy of Val-d’Oise Aurélien Taché, who declared to have seized the public prosecutor against him, Gilles Platret persisted in his remarks and swept aside the conviction of Damien Abad: “The Republicans are a composite party. I do not think either, on an idea as advanced as the one I am expressing, to be unanimous. But I do not aspire to unanimity! “” It is high time that Damien Abad returned to the field; the corridors of the National Assembly sometimes make one lose the measure of reality ”, added Mr. Platret, demonstrating the extent of the divisions on the political line to be held at LR six months before the presidential election.

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The World with AFP