Bad weather over Italy, the weather alert continues with thunderstorms and strong winds. On Marche, Molise and Puglia there is an orange alert, while in Veneto the state of attention remains and in Campania the weather alert notice with a yellow criticality level has been extended. The persistence of an area of low pressure, located in central-southern Italy, will maintain conditions of disturbed weather, with precipitation also of a stormy nature, on a large part of the South and on the central Adriatic side, associated with a decisive reinforcement of the ventilation on a large part of the country announces the Civil Protection Department On the basis of the available forecasts, the Civil Protection Department, in agreement with the regions involved – which are responsible for activating the civil protection systems in the affected territories – has issued a further notice of adverse weather conditions, which integrates and extends those issued in recent days. The weather phenomena, impacting on the different areas of the country, could determine hydrogeological and hydraulic criticalities which are reported, in a national summary, in the national criticality and alert bulletin which can be consulted on the Department’s website ( The warning foresees from tomorrow morning, Friday 8 October, the persistence of strong to stormy winds from the northern quadrants, on Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Tuscany, Abruzzo and Lazio, especially northern sectors, with gusts up to strong storms . storm surges on the exposed coasts. Also from tomorrow morning, expected the persistence of widespread rainfall, also of a downpour or thunderstorm, on Abruzzo, extending to Molise and Puglia. These phenomena will be accompanied by strong showers, local hailstorms, frequent electrical activity and strong gusts of wind.On the basis of the expected and ongoing phenomena, an orange alert on part of Marche was assessed for tomorrow, Friday 8 October. , Molise and Puglia. Yellow alert on part of Emilia-Romagna, on Umbria, Abruzzo, on the remaining sectors of Marche, Molise and Puglia, on Basilicata and on part of Lazio, Campania, Calabria and Sicily. it is updated daily on the basis of new forecasts and the evolution of phenomena, and is available on the website of the Department of Civil Protection (, together with the general rules of conduct to be followed in case of bad weather. The information on the regional alert levels, on the specific criticalities that could affect the individual territories and on the prevention actions adopted are managed by the territorial civil protection structures, in contact with which the Department will monitor the evolution of the situation. Veneto The Civil Protection of Veneto, in the light of the report in the Veneto Weather Bulletin, has confirmed that the prescriptions already issued for strong winds will be valid until midnight tomorrow (8 October 2021) throughout the region. The forecast forecast in Veneto in the next few hours still indicates winds from the north / northeast, tense and at times strong on the pre-alpine ridges and on the central-western foothills. On the coast and the neighboring plain, strong Bora winds, sometimes strong in the evening (in particular on the central-southern coast and on the south-eastern plain). In light of this, in order to ensure constant monitoring of the situation and maximum operational readiness of the Regional Civil Protection System, the operational phase of attention for strong winds on the southern coast and south-eastern plain was declared, to be reconfigured, to local level, depending on the intensity of the wind. In Venice the high water of the season escapes, even if by a few centimeters, the high tide submerged part of St. Mark’s Square, just before noon, still wetting the narthex (the entrance ) of the Basilica of San Marco and the construction sites in progress to protect the entrance to the church from the saltiness. The maximum tide peak recorded was in fact 95 centimeters at 11.55, causing 15 centimeters of water to go under the Piazza, the lowest point of the city. vigor, with a yellow level of criticality, until 12 noon tomorrow. The sectors of the territory concerned are: zone 1 (Piana Campana, Naples, Isole, Vesuviana area), 2 (Alto Volturno and Matese), 3 (Sorrentino-Amalfi Peninsula, Monti di Sarno and Monti Picentini), 5 (Tusciano and Alto Sele ); 6 (Piana Sele and Alto Cilento); 8 (Lower Cilento). Local or scattered precipitations are still expected, including backhand or thunderstorms with possible gusts of wind in thunderstorms. the expected phenomena, also in line with the respective Plans “.
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