“Unassigned number” at Orange or Sosh: SFR customers are unable to call contacts – Numerama

Telephone customers may encounter telephone problems on October 19. Some calls from SFR to Orange and Sosh lines may not be successful and give the impression that the number is not assigned.

The telephone operator Orange seems to encounter this Tuesday, October 19, difficulties in correctly routing calls for its customers, according to several messages circulating on Twitter, but also according to the observations of members of Humanoid, the company that publishes Numerama . However, the problem is not global, but limited to certain links with other operators.

Who has Orange for mobile calls? A priori a breakdown, a good number of subscribers can no longer be reached: ‘the requested number is no longer allocated’ “, thus testifies Elsa on Twitter. She adds that she contacted customer service, who confirmed a ” general failure And that the concern is being processed. In reaction, other Internet users have reported an equivalent concern.

As far as we are concerned, a colleague with a mobile number at SFR wanted to verify the reality of the incident by calling two numbers in quick succession, one at Orange, the other at Sosh (which is the low-cost subsidiary of the incumbent operator). We also got the message at the end of the phone saying that the number is unassigned, although the two lines do have two holders.

On the site DownDetector, which focuses on identifying breakdowns, a spike in Orange reports began to emerge shortly after 10 a.m. and then peak around 11:30 a.m. A relative decline seems to be observed since. In all, hundreds of notifications were sent to the platform. A similar observation can be made for the pages dedicated to SFR and Sosh.

SFR customers have problems calling Orange numbers

Obviously, the problem affects both fixed lines and mobile numbers and, more specifically, calls from SFR, but also, according to other stakeholders, fixed calls to Orange mobile lines.

An employee at Humanoid was able to reach Sosh’s assistance and obtain additional explanations on the nature of the concern.

This is due to portability, SFR blocks calls received from its lines to your number », He explained. Relaunched to find out if it only affects SFR, the interlocutor confirms: ” It is a blockage during portability, at the level of the inter-operator cell. »On social networks, Orange communicated indirectly about the incident, via a dedicated after-sales service account. It is not yet clear when things will return to normal.

Portability refers to a mechanism that allows you to keep your mobile phone number by changing operator. It is a procedure which is now well anchored in the landscape of mobile telephony in France and which avoids having to renew his 06 (or 07), but also notify all his contacts, as soon as we want to play the competetion. Without portability, the market would be frozen. Or hellish.

Screenshot of SFR after-sales service on October 19, 2021
Screenshot of SFR after-sales service on October 19, 2021

(news under development)

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