The date is already known. The Presidium of the ÚLK will decide on the sports fate of the derby in Trnava –

BRATISLAVA. The extraordinary Presidium of the Union of League Clubs (ÚLK) will meet on Wednesday and decide on the sports fate unfinished derby of the highest Slovak football competition FC Spartak Trnava – ŠK Slovan Bratislava.

The hit of the 11th round of the Fortuna League did not finish on Sunday, the main referee Filip Glova ended it prematurely after a long break caused by the riots of the fans of both teams.

“Today, ÚLK requested all documents from delegated persons, from referees, from both clubs, from the Regional Directorate of the Police Force, in short, from all those who participated in the security issue of the derby.

The materials will be analyzed and an extraordinary Presidium of the ÚLK will meet on Wednesday, which will decide on the sporting fate of the derby.

The imposition of penalties in connection with organizational failures, or in the direction of fan behavior, is up to the SFZ Disciplinary Commission, “said Ivan Kozák, President of the ÚLK.

Cossack: The sight of children tears the heart

The umbrella body of the highest competition considers the actions of the fans to be unacceptable.

“Today we had to bring a beautiful video from the derby atmosphere. Photos of both ultras fan groups, but also families, how they came to enjoy the match, goals that decided victory, a draw or a loss.

The media should have inflected words such as football advertising, great fans or a pulsating atmosphere … Also subject to the behavior of some fans on the verge of decency, but not with photos like from a street battle taking place on a football field.

However, the reality is different and the derby ended in unacceptable actions by fans of both camps. Mass battle, aggression and behavior that has nothing to do in decent society.

Before the match, the square in front of the City Arena was filled with families with children, decent fans who came to enjoy the sports duel of two ancient rivals. Finally, after a long time of covid, it looked like a beautiful football atmosphere.

The sight of the same children looking towards the lawn, without admiring the performances of Škrtel or Pauschek, but covering their eyes during the aggressive manifestations of a group of hooligans, breaks their hearts, “says the opinion of ÚLK, which will draw sports consequences.

Solutions need to be found

“Against the organization of Sunday’s match by home clubs, where there was an incomprehensible underestimation of the risky event, but also towards both fan groups. However, it is important to look to the future and look for solutions. It is a huge disappointment for us.

Ninety-nine percent of decent people came to enjoy the match, but the remaining 1 percent of fans were also against. These are people who are not interested in football. It’s unfair. Everyone will suffer towards players, fans, clubs and after such a match.

It is unacceptable, and the consequences must be drawn, towards Sunday’s match, towards the fans who broke the law, but also the conceptual decisions for the future. We cannot suffer such speeches from fans, “stressed the president of ÚLK.

They want to minimize problems

Kozák added that he will strongly promote the discussion on how to deal with larger groups of fans and minimize problems.

“We will strongly push for the discussion, which we have been striving for for a long time, to start again. We have experience from abroad, where they were able to deal with larger groups of fans and minimize problems.

We have long been talking about the spotting project, which operates in most countries at the level of the police force, at meetings of an expert group of the Ministry of the Interior.

We call on the state to address the situation, to take repressive measures, to track down the perpetrators and to impose harsh punishments. However, we also call for us to adopt conceptual solutions for the future, prevention is the most important thing in this.

We need to know that a group of foreign fans from different countries are coming to us, and we need to know how to act against them and, if they break the rules, take criminal responsibility against them.

After all, in the derby we saw representatives of several foreign fan groups on the pitch, which is incomprehensible. Without it, there will be no order, “said the head of ÚLK.

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