Čekan is disappointed with the current numbers: It is bad and it will be even worse, we are experiencing déjà vu from the second wave! – Topky.sk

The epidemic situation has significantly worsened in recent weeks, most of Slovakia is red, the west is mostly orange. The third wave can already be felt in hospitals, which are slowly starting to fill up. According to scientist Pavel Čekan, these numbers are alarming.

Archive VIDEO There is a high level of community distribution of COVID in dozens of districts: Weddings and celebrations are the reason for the deteriorating situation.

Every week we have an increase in hospitalized wards of about one third. At the beginning of November, this rate will be around 2,000 people in our hospitals with a severe course of infection. And we don’t know if it will be the top or we are just somewhere in the middle, “ pointed out on the social network. He added that deaths are still relatively low, but that will change soon. There will probably be several dozen a day. Cekan predicts that soon it will probably be a hundred victims a day.

Source: TASR – Martin Baumann

It’s not easy for me to write it. Those numbers are bad and unfortunately, they will be even worse. We cannot accurately predict the peak of the 3rd wave and I am afraid that many optimistic scenarios are already in full swing. It’s hard for me to write, because before the 3rd wave we had vaccinations available to everyone and many voluntarily decided to refuse it, “ Chekan pointed out his concerns. He pointed out that in countries where the majority of the population is vaccinated, they are now lifting anti-pandemic measures.

The wait is from the current numbers

Source: SITA / AP Photo

Unlike them, however, we are experiencing in Slovakia go away second wave. And in his opinion, no one wanted that. He added that there is very little time and even the first dose of the vaccine can prevent hospitalization by about 85 percent after only three weeks. He therefore called on those who have not yet been vaccinated and are hesitant to be vaccinated to help alleviate the pitfalls of the third wave.

“After the terrible 2nd wave, I thought I would never have to write it again, but… Please limit family celebrations, weddings, meetings. If possible, reduce mobility, help reduce the spread of the virus, follow the ROR honestly, protect your health. We are entering a bad 3rd wave of the pandemic. Once again, we must rely on our belonging, solidarity, social empathy and responsibility. The number of deaths and hospitalizations will depend on this. “ concluded.