Éric Zemmour candidate? Ian Brossat exasperated by “shit debates” – The HuffPost


Brossat is “fed up with the shitty debates” around Zemmour, whose lack of program he points out

POLITICS – Evening rant. Guest of Franceinfo’s “9 pm: 11 pm”, Thursday, October 7, Ian Brossat was angry against the political omnipresence of Eric Zemmour – including the breakthrough, in the voting intentions, Mark this start of the campaign– accusing the media of having “produced” the polemicist offar right.

“I’m telling you, I’m fed up with these shitty debates to which we are entitled morning, noon and evening”, annoyed the campaign director of Fabien Roussel, the communist candidate to the next presidential election, As you can see it below.

And to add, always as reassembled, for the attention of the journalists present on the set: “Ask yourself, you too, a certain number of questions. When in the morning we speak immigration, in the afternoon we talk about immigration, in the evening we talk about immigration, that produces Éric Zemmour. ”

For Ian Brossat, “the political debate is rotten” by the “themes” brought by the essayist, several times condemned for inciting hatred, but “permanently promoted” by the media, always according to the deputy (PCF) at Paris city hall. “I don’t care whether people call their kid Mohamed, Antoine or Kévin. (…) and the French, too, are fed up with these debates, ”he insisted in his diatribe.

Where is the program?

Basically, the Communist leader points to the fact that Eric Zemmour, not yet a candidate, does not offer much outside of his fads. It “doesn’t say anything about purchasing power, nothing at all, nada. Not a proposal from Eric Zemmour on the minimum wage or relocations (…) he never talks about it ”, criticized Ian Brossat, explaining that the role of the left was to“ put the social at the heart of the public debate . ”

Because, he hopes, this is what will allow his camp “to regain a little strength in our country.” The challenge is sizeable: Fabien Roussel, his candidate, is given between 1 and 4% in the voting intentions since his declaration before the summer. More generally, the entire left seems to be struggling after this political comeback.

In the Harris interactive poll, released on Wednesday, which gives Eric Zemmour for the first time in the capacity to access the second round, only Jean-Luc Mélenchon manages to climb painfully above the 10% mark. Anne Hidalgo (PS) and Yannick Jadot (EELV) are at 6.

Also on The HuffPost: Zemmour fans take back his anti-Islam rhetoric unfiltered