The standoff currently playing out between Poland and the European Union (EU) is causing a reaction as far as France. From the candidate of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen, to the former minister of productive recovery, the socialist Arnaud Montebourg, through the ultra-conservative polemicist Eric Zemmour, several candidates – declared or putative – for the election presidential vote on Friday, October 8 after the highest Polish court ruled on Thursday against the supremacy of European community law.
The Polish Constitutional Court thus declared that certain articles of the Treaty on European Union were “Incompatible” with the Polish Constitution and undermine the country’s sovereignty. This historic decision, the latest twist in a long clash between Poland and the EU over controversial judicial reforms introduced by the ruling nationalist conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, could therefore threaten EU funding for Poland, even its membership of the EU.
“An important event”, according to Montebourg
Marine Le Pen on Friday brought her ” support “ to Poland, which challenges the primacy of European law over its national law, a principle that the French presidential candidate wants to include in the Constitution if she reaches the Elysee Palace. “By asserting the primacy of its constitutional law over European legislation, Poland is exercising its legitimate and inalienable right to sovereignty”, estimates the candidate of the National Assembly in a press release.
By an act of judges which does not differ in any way from the procedure of the court of Karlsruhe [tribunal constitutionnel allemand], quite admitted as regards Germany, Poland came to remind a European Union tempted by the establishment of a Jacobin dictatorship that each people is entitled to define its laws.
The candidate, who in 2017 gave up leaving the EU and the euro, wants to include in the French Constitution the primacy of national law over European or international law, that is to say that any treaty contrary to the constitution will be “Inapplicable”, according to her immigration bill that she recently introduced.
The former minister of productive recovery and presidential candidate, the socialist Arnaud Montebourg, also welcomed the decision of the Polish constitutional court. “The return of the sovereignty of France will go through the superiority of French law over European decisions”, he wrote on Twitter.
The assertion by Poland of its national sovereignty through law is an important event. France, which does not share the same political orientations as Poland, will nevertheless have to make the same affirmation of the superiority of its laws over European decisions.
“The permanent intrusions of the European Commission in our choices have become unacceptable”, can we also read in his press release, in which he denounces “The methodical destruction by Brussels of our national public services, the explosion in energy prices, or the inadmissible organization of social dumping at home by the posted workers directive”, which are, according to him, so many symbols of a “Loss of sovereignty”.
“An attack on the EU”, for Clément Beaune
The far-right polemicist Eric Zemmour, who has not yet declared himself a presidential candidate, also cracked a press release on Friday morning titled “It is time to restore French law to its primacy over European law” and posted on the social network Twitter. “The European Commission is leading a violent legal assault against the peoples who reject its ideological line. It is urgent that France join these nations in their fight for freedom ”, he writes.
For LR deputy Julien Aubert, Poland’s decision is ” logic “. She “Comes from the fact that we have, since Mitterrand and behind the backs of the people, transformed the object of the EU, from a cooperation of nation states to a federal superstate. How much “xit” will it take to return to its original vocation? “, he asks on Friday on Twitter.
For its part, the French government, through the voice of its French Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, denounced a “Attack on the EU” which he qualified as “Extremely serious” from Poland. “It is not a technical subject or a legal subject. It is an eminently political subject, which is part of a long list of provocations against the EU., he estimated on RMC and BFM-TV. The risk is Poland’s de facto exit from the European Union. “
“No sooner do the Poles assert their sovereignty than Clément Beaune threatens financial sanctions. Shameful blackmail of the recovery plan which reveals the nature of these small agents of the EU: enemies of democracy who serve their supranational thing against the peoples ”, immediately reacted on Twitter the sovereignist candidate for the Elysée Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, saying “Bravo to the Poles”.