President Zeman cancels the program for health reasons –

It is not yet clear whether he will meet Babiš on Sunday.

Oct 8, 2021 at 1:51 pm SITA

PRAGUE. Prague Castle canceled the president’s participation Miloš Zeman in Sunday ‘s discussion show Partie televizií Prima a CNN Prima NEWS. His spokesman Jiří Ovčáček explained that they did so for health reasons.

Miroslav Zavoral, a medical doctor who is the director of the Central Military Hospital (ÚVN) in Prague, advised Zeman to limit his work activities, he told CNN Prima NEWS Shepherd with the fact that “health is now more important. It’s the most important thing we have. “

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Already in the morning, Ovčáček told Rádio Z that the president was ill for 14 days.

So it is not yet clear whether Zeman’s planned meeting with the prime minister will take place on Sunday Andrej Babiš.

“It is out of the question. But I do not rule out that the meeting will be postponed. The doctor’s recommendations are very important and it is good that the President has heard them. Based on the discussions, we are adjusting the program of the President. It is crucial that he gain strength for the post-election negotiations. Mr. President is not restricted in the performance of constitutional functions, “the spokesman emphasized.

For health reasons, Zeman will not even vote in the parliamentary elections held today and on Saturday, as usual in Prague’s Lužiny.

They will bring the ballot box to the chateau in Lány.

The Czech president has been speculating about the poor health of the Czech Republic for several days. Zeman was hospitalized in September.

He spent about ten days at ÚVN. According to the spokesman, doctors underwent several examinations during the first days of the president and did not find life-threatening problems. They only found that he suffered from mild exhaustion and dehydration.

Former President Vaclav Klaus said his successor has liver problems related to his lifestyle.

Zavoral allegedly advised Zeman to return to the hospital this week, but he allegedly refused.