Marine Le Pen made a special “Photomaton” visit, Thursday, October 7, to the Breeding Summit, in Clermont-Ferrand, where all the candidates are crowded. the presidential election of 2022 : she did not take three steps without kindly accepting a selfie, and several hundred kids left hilarious with their photo of the contender of the National Rally (RN) at the Elysee. She likes walkabouts and lends herself to the exercise with good grace, especially as the welcome from the breeders is rather warm, and Marine Le Pen, who is obliged to “Keep the old troops calm”, as she readily repeats, was in great need of reassurance.
It is because Eric Zemmour, who is still not officially a candidate, continues his constant rise in the polls, follows the former president of the RN in one, even passes him in front in a second. “I have no worries, assured, Thursday, the member of Pas-de-Calais. Perhaps it is because I have experience, which allows me to say that one and the other should not rush to jump to conclusions. If I have to convince any, I think that the reception I have received today is an element. “
Still, the dynamics of the campaign do not seem to be on their side. In an Elabe poll for BFM-TV on Wednesday, October 6, out of a representative sample of 1,310 people using the quota method, Eric Zemmour would gather 13% to 14% of the vote, tied with Xavier Bertrand, Marine Le Pen would obtain 16% to 18% of the vote. But the far-right polemicist has gained 5 to 6 points in three weeks, when his competitor from the RN has lost 2. Emmanuel Macron remains between 25% and 28%, depending on the name of his right-wing opponent. Above all, if Eric Zemmour was not a candidate, Marine Le Pen would still be between 23% and 25% of the voting intentions, and the polling institute estimates that the columnist would attract 23% of the electorate of Marine Le Pen in 2017 , or 7 points more in three weeks.
Contested survey method
the Harris Interactive poll for Challenges, published the same day, even estimates that Eric Zemmour would face Emmanuel Macron in the second round, and would obtain 17% of the vote, if Xavier Bertrand, the best placed on the right, was a candidate, against 15% in Marine Le Pen – Xavier Bertrand is credited with 13% of voting intentions, Valérie Pécresse with 11%, Michel Barnier 7%. If the figures were true, it would be politically an earthquake: Emmanuel Macron seems to be holding around 24%, the left is shattered, the right rolled, the RN would be on the way to marginalization. “The presidential election takes place in two hundred days, soberly commented Marine Le Pen, and therefore this madness which has just seized our media, with two polls per day, which say everything, the reverse, and never the same thing to each other, it is not reasonable. We must let the campaign unfold. “
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