Presidential 2022: Anne Hidalgo’s campaign sows doubts among Socialists – archyworldys

The comment might seem offbeat, but it comes from an ex-advisor still very close to Anne Hidalgo: “Anne is in great shape, valiant, assures Serge Orru, president of the new Climate Academy. Absolute serenity. I guarantee it. She is convinced that she will win. Polls ? Which polls? Those who gave Yannick Jadot winner of the first round of his primary at 60% and put Sandrine Rousseau at 11%? “

Given the atmosphere, it is a feeling rather counter-intuitive, because since his declaration of candidacy for the race at the Elysee Palace, in Rouen, on September 12, nothing is articulated as planned. This speech, sold as “Founder”, was to trigger the famous “Campaign dynamics”. Barely a month later, Brice Teinturier, who is not a political opponent but a pollster, describes“Collapse” the 5.5% of voting intentions with which Anne Hidalgo is credited in the Ipsos survey published in The Parisian, 1er October. “While it was at 9% in our survey which followed his declaration, behind Jadot and in front of Mélenchon, it fell to 5.5%, a terrible score. “

Also read the story: Anne Hidalgo or the genesis of a candidate for the presidential election

Other data points in the same direction. The mayor of Paris has not sold more than 3,000 copies of her political autobiography, A french woman (The Observatory, 208 pages, 18 euros). The audiences of his appearances on the sets of the various media are far from the expected scores. In the federations, not all activists are excited to devote themselves to his campaign. “Anne Hidalgo indicated that the weeks following her declaration would be weeks of immersion to reconnect with the French who have moved away from politics, retorts Mathieu Klein, mayor of Nancy and responsible for the program in his team. A time of listening, undoubtedly dialogue, less spectacular than a boxing match with Eric Zemmour. But another stage will open. That of the confrontation with Emmanuel Macron and his presidential record. “

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Presidential 2022: Anne Hidalgo, candidate in the phase of “deparisiannization”

Some point to the inconsistency of a poorly organized campaign team. “I don’t have a lot of information from Anne Hidalgo’s team. It is perhaps a symptom of the vagueness that reigns there ”, comments for example Guillaume Lacroix, president of the Left Radical Party. This is not the opinion of Mathieu Klein: “It’s a start to the campaign that has been perfectly assumed and mastered. In the campaign team, things are going very well. I refute this term inconsistency, which must come from people who are not very well intentioned. “

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