Starred Jaroš among children? You support LGBT! We are Christians, say terrified mothers –

Is Jaroš’s popularity among children endangered? Some moms say she uses a symbol that is a sign of the LGBT community.

Monika Hanigovská
Monika Hanigovská

Is Jaroš’s popularity with children endangered? Some moms say she uses a symbol that is a sign of the LGBT community.

Illustrative image for the article Starred Jaroš among children?  You support LGBT!  We are Christians, say terrified mothers

Miro Jaroš has been successfully filling concert halls and public spaces for several years. He is a magician for children’s hits, with which he can conjure a smile for the little ones to wait.

He recently won an award from the Slovak Copyright Association (SOZA) in the category Award for the most successful audio carrier. And the fact that he is doing well is also testified by his earnings, which did not hurt him too much even during the pandemic.

It directly attracts children

“At a time when his students stopped going to school and stuck in the household for distance learning, he collected 401 thousand euros for his services (the year before he had a turnover of 570 thousand euros),”

informed about it some time ago

Jaroš then revealed that as soon as possible he was able to organize a tour in accordance with the measures. “The concerts were sold out and that was reflected in my income last year,” he explained his successful move in this way.

Moms are lying in their stomachs

Singer of child hits like My body, with a reach of 24 million views on YouTube, or songs, for example Come practice!, which was clicked on by more than 28 million users, however, for the time being, some Slovak mothers are “lying in their stomachs”.

So what’s the problem? Some of them were outraged by his latest singing act Lego, which is also approaching the million mark. But not all mothers have any understanding for a catchy song.

“Shortly after the release of the clip, comments began to come in, which surprised me. I appreciate the opinions of my fans. They are often even a challenge for me to accept a different opinion and personal growth. But these hurt me. “ Jaroš does not hide publicly on his Facebook, the cause of this disaster are rainbow-colored straps.

They can’t listen to him anymore

The rainbow flag is loved by the LGBT community. Jaroš also published reports from dissatisfied mothers. “The song is amazing, the video clip is great. The boy is tasty, but it has a flaw, fatal! These are your rainbow straps… it feels to me as if you support LGBT straps. You do great work as a singer for children, children love you… but as a person you completely disappointed me, “ writes one of them.

Another adult fan forbade his daughter to listen to his latest act. “My daughter is always happy when she hears your songs – but after the last clip, you couldn’t help but notice that the straps are colorful, and my opinion is that it’s a liberal LGBT, we’re Christians,” and at the same time she added that she was sad that they could not hear the new song.

Miro Jaroš did not remain silent and said why he chose such a clothing accessory. But he didn’t just stay there, he revealed what hurts him more and more in Slovaks! The article continues on the next page.

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PHOTO: Miro Jaroš successfully broke through in the children's world

Photo: Júlia Vargová / Source:


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