Gas supplies to Slovakia Energy customers will be temporarily provided by SPP –

Customers will have three months to enter into a contract with a supplier of their choice.

7. Oct 2021 at 18:57 TASR

BRATISLAVA. The company Slovenský plynárenský priemysel (SPP) will temporarily secure gas supplies from Friday to customers of the largest alternative energy supplier, Slovakia Energy, which is leaving the Slovak market.

Customers will have three months to conclude contracts for the supply of natural gas with a supplier of their choice, SPP – distribúcia reported on Thursday.

“In the event that the customer does not conclude a supply contract with any supplier within the specified period, the supply of gas to its offtake point will be terminated,” said the external communication manager of SPP – distribution Milan Vanga. According to him, SPP will supply gas to 120,374 consumption points.

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SPP – distribúcia pointed out that the affected gas customers are obliged to pay the price for gas supply to Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, as, as the supplier of last resort according to the relevant decision of the Office for Regulation of Network Industries (ÚRSO) and under business conditions of gas supply in the last instance regime.

Slovakia Energy announced the termination of its activities on September 30 after requesting ÚRSO to revoke its licenses to trade in electricity and natural gas.

The company justified the termination of its activities by the extreme growth of energy prices on the markets and the state regulation of prices for small companies and households.

Minister of Economy Richard Sulík (SaS) said on Thursday that Slovakia Energy’s departure from the market is the result of a managerial failure of the company’s management associated with incorrect behavior towards customers.