Unexpected MANEUVERS in front of Zeman’s house in Lány: Visit of a daughter and a doctor! A fundamental opinion is expected – Topky.sk

At the end of September, Zeman was released from the hospital in the Prague part of Střešovice, where he spent eight days. According to a spokesman for the president’s office, Zeman underwent only planned examinations during his hospitalization at the time.

Source: Profimedia

The castle is to announce today when and how Zeman will vote in the upcoming weekend parliamentary elections. After a long tradition of elections in the capital city of Prague, a change is supposed to take place and the president should dismiss in Lány, where he now resides. He has a permanent residence in Prague.

His spokesman Jiří Ovčáček does not comment on any speculation that the president is in serious health and only says that he will focus on the upcoming elections.

His daughter came to see him, and he was to refuse further hospitalization

In addition, his daughter Kateřina also came to the village of Lány, where Zeman is currently, at a time when there is talk of a visit by his doctor Miroslav Zavoral from the Central Military Hospital.

Daughter of Miloš Zeman Kateřina
Unexpected MANEUVERS before Zeman

Source: TASR / AP Photo / Petr David Josek

The fact that Zeman has health problems was confirmed on Wednesday by former president Václav Klaus, who indicated possible liver problems.

Since the beginning of the week, therefore, there has been speculation about the president’s health. On Monday, Zavoral was to call on the head of state to return to the hospital as soon as he was hospitalized, which Zeman allegedly refused.

The president will vote at the chateau in Lány

President Miloš Zeman will vote on Friday at the chateau in Lány on the recommendation of his attending physician Miroslav Zavoral. Another president’s program will be adjusted. This was said by Zeman’s spokesman Jiří Ovčáček. The director of the Central Military Hospital (ÚVN) Zavoral visited Zeman in Lány today, and did not disclose details about the health condition of the ÚVN president or Prague Castle after a medical examination. The president’s health has been closely monitored in recent days, also because of the important role that the president has in forming the new government.

His program will also be modified

Ovčáček stated that Zavoral did not recommend Zeman to use the opportunity to vote in the polling station. “The President of the Republic heard this recommendation. Based on the recommendation of Professor Miroslav Zavoral, another program of the President of the Republic will be modified,” said Ovčáček.