PROTEST before the Ministry of Justice! Enough ignoring, a link for Pin: Stop the court map –

Members of the Basic Organization of the Trade Union of Judicial Employees at the Regional Court in Bratislava demand that the status quo be maintained, and refuse to abolish the courts. “The increased costs associated with your proposed judicial reform will mean a deterioration in the living standards of employees’ families, which will result in them leaving the courts.” the trade unionists referred to Minister of Justice Maria Kolíková.

They ask her to keep the current courts and courts. Dozens of gathered came with banners “stop court map” or “enough was ignoring”.

In front of the building, they gathered at the time of the controversial proceedings to make fundamental comments on the new court map, which were raised by trade unions. “In preparing the court map, the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic did not take into account the social aspects and requirements of judicial staff, whose work and private lives will be significantly affected by the new organization of courts,” stated in an opinion provided by Pavol Adamčiak, a spokesman for the Bratislava Regional Court.

Source: Topky – Maarty

Trade unionists criticize the Ministry of Justice for setting a date for the dispute proceedings shortly after the end of the comment. “In the extremely short time 59 hours after the end of the comment procedure, during which he was not able to get acquainted responsibly and realistically with the content of the comments and carefully evaluate them, the draftsman set a deadline for the dispute procedure.” the spokesman added.

The comment procedure on the draft new court map ended on Monday, October 4. 376 comments were made in connection with the four laws regulating the districts and seats of regional and district courts, as well as the establishment of municipal courts in Bratislava and Košice. Of which 240 major. The law on the establishment of administrative courts can be commented until 15 October.

Kolíková talks about financial valuation

Updated 14:30 Minister Maria Kolíková was informed about the protest at the Ministerial Council in Luxembourg. “I know that they are presenting substantive comments here, which are related to the question of what are the certainties for employees in connection with the change of the court map,” she stated.

She reminded that in connection with Bratislava they are talking about merging Bratislava district courts into one municipal court. According to her, this is certainly a different situation than when the districts within individual regions are connected and when it concerns several cities.

Minister of Justice Mária Kolíková

Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

“In any case, even if we put aside the goals of the judicial map reform, such as better conditions for judges and staff, the possibility of specializing judges on the main agendas, faster and better court decisions for people, then in relation to employees there is an impact clause where we count whereas, if there is a reform in the courts concerned, the financial remuneration of employees must be improved, and in addition, for those employees where the conditions regarding attendance change, there is a supplement of EUR 100 per month, ‘ she added.