At the age of one hundred, the warden in the concentration camp appeared in court –

The man faces charges of 3,518 cases of complicity in murder.

7. Oct 2021 at 13:11 SITA

BERLIN. In Germany, a trial began on Thursday with a 100-year-old man accused of complicity in Nazi crimes at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp near Berlin.

The defendant faces charges of 3,518 cases of complicity in murder.

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The name of the suspect was not disclosed by a court in the federal state of Brandenburg, stating that he was an ordinary member of the SS, a paramilitary wing of the Nazi party.

According to the authorities, despite his advanced age, he is able to submit to court proceedings, although the number of hours of daily court sessions may need to be limited.

Between 1936 and 1945, more than 200,000 people were imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Tens of thousands of prisoners died as a result of hunger, disease, forced labor, but also medical experiments and systematic extermination of the SS.