Commission on conspiracy: controversial professor Guy Vallancien announces his resignation – archyworldys

Questioned by some of his peers, Professor Guy Vallancien, urologist, announced Thursday, October 7 to Agence France-Presse (AFP) his withdrawal from the commission on conspiracy and disinformation recently created by Emmanuel Macron.

“I am withdrawing from the Enlightenment in the Digital Age Commission”, declared Mr. Vallancien, who denounces a “Shameful campaign of despicable and false denigration” after his appointment to this body made up of about fifteen academics and personalities, and chaired by sociologist Gérald Bronner. The latter confirmed the departure of Professor Vallancien, who himself confided:

“It was I who decided to leave and I said so at the Elysee Palace. I could have stayed, but that would have created conflicts within the commission, that is not healthy. There was no good solution, but I took the one that seemed to me the freest and the most honest ”

“Denied the seriousness” of the Mediator case

This renowned urologist who treated former President François Mitterrand had notably just been questioned by the pulmonologist and whistleblower Irène Frachon, who accuses him of having “Denied gravity” of the Mediator case.

In a column published in The world at the end of september, Mme Frachon writes in particular: ” The professor and urologist Guy Vallancien (…) has been one of the spearheads of a nebula of high-ranking doctors, professors of medicine, sometimes academics of medicine, who, for years and shamelessly, have tried to discredit, minimize, even deny the seriousness of the human tragedy caused by the Mediator. “

His name is further cited by The Express in the scandal of the center for the donation of bodies at the University of Paris-Descartes. The magazine had mentioned his role and that of his limited company (the European School of Surgery, created in 2001 within the university). “It’s the most difficult for me”, because “I have no responsibility” in this case, reacted Mr. Vallancien.

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The World with AFP