Taiwan assures France of its support in the Indo-Pacific region

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Taiwan will continue to ensure regional peace, the island’s president, Tsai Ing-wan, told a delegation of French senators on Thursday. Their visit comes amid tensions with China, including 148 aircraft, crossed Taiwanese airspace last week.

During a visit by a delegation of four French senators on Thursday, October 7, amid tensions with China, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said the island will continue to play its role as a member of the international community and to ensure regional peace and stability.

French senators, led by former Defense Minister Alain Richard, arrived in Taiwan on Wednesday, despite objections from China, which considers the island to be part of its territory, and is still irritated by visits from representatives foreigners.

>> To read: Taiwan does not intend to give in to China’s military activities

“Ensuring peace and stability”

Addressing senators, Tsai Ing-wen thanked France for its concern over the situation in the Taiwan Strait and its support for its international participation.

“We will continue to assume our responsibilities as a member of the international community in order to ensure peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. We also hope that we can make more contributions to the world alongside France”, she added.

The visit of French senators comes as 148 Chinese army aircraft crossed Taiwanese airspace in the space of four days, from Friday to Monday.

The island’s defense minister on Wednesday warned that military tensions between China and Taiwan were at their highest in four decades. He claimed that Beijing would be able to launch a full-scale invasion in 2025.

With Reuters and AFP

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