11 300 billion dollars: what represents the amount of tax evasion of the Pandora Papers? – Evening edition Ouest-France – 05/10/2021 – Ouest-France


When you write it down in numbers, the number of zeros is a bit giddy: $ 11,300,000,000,000. This is the estimated amount of sums sheltered in tax havens, according to the Pandora Papers, a survey conducted by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). We took out our calculator to get orders of magnitude …

The latest investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), known as Pandora Papers, highlights the extent of tax evasion around the world. According to journalists who worked on this file, the equivalent of 11,300 billion dollars (approximately 9,733 billion euros) has been sheltered in tax havens, legally or illegally. To get an idea of ​​what this represents, here is this sum compared to others …

75 times more expensive than the total cost of the ISS

$ 11.3 trillion is 98 times more expensive than the total cost of the ISS, the International Space Station, estimated at “150 billion dollars, invested since 1998”, according to Release .

113,000 airliners

100 million dollars, or 90 million euros, such is the average cost displayed in the catalogs of aircraft manufacturers like Airbus or Boeing, for an airliner that performs medium-haul routes. The amount rumored in the Pandora Papers would allow the purchase of 113,000.

Cristiano Ronaldo would have to work 90,400 years to earn this sum

Cristiano Ronaldo would have to work 90,400 years to raise that much money. The Manchester United player who takes the top step of the Forbes ranking of the highest paid football players in the world, is expected to earn $ 125 million before taxes in the 2021-2022 season.

For his part, Alexander Karp, who has the highest income in the world, would have to work 10,286 years to reach this sum. The co-founder of Denver, Colorado-based data analytics firm Palantir Technologies earns $ 1,098,513,297 a year.

As for the French smicards, they would have to work 66 233 938 years to get there …

Cristiano Ronaldo would have to work 90,400 years to earn this sum. (Photo: Rafael Marchante / Reuters)

Read also : “Pandora Papers”. Who are these politicians, stars and leaders splashed by the scandal?

158,707 times more expensive than the most expensive diamond in the world

The “Pink Star” diamond, weighing 56.90 carats and 11.92 grams, was auctioned on April 4, 2017, in Hong Kong, priced at $ 71.2 million. It is the most expensive in the world, yet it is 158,707 times less than the amount revealed by the Pandora Papers.

131 times the education budget in France

Adopted at the end of December 2020, the 2021 budget of the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports amounts to 76 billion euros. It is the first state budget but it remains far from the sum linked to the Pandora Papers.

2,456 times more expensive than anti-Covid vaccines for Social Security

In France, vaccines against Covid-19 will cost “More than 4.6 billion euros for Social Security this year”, according to an article from World . In terms of the cost of the vaccine itself and the expenses related to the organization of the vaccination campaign, with an assumption of a coverage rate of 70% of the population. It is much less than 11,300 billion dollars …

2,260 times more expensive than the most expensive building in the world

The Marina Bay Sands building in Singapore, which ranks among the most expensive buildings in the world, is still 2,260 times less expensive than the sum advanced in the Pandora Papers. (Photo: Emmanuel Gabey)

Marina Bay Sands is one of the most expensive buildings in the world, according to Generation Voyage website. Located in Singapore, this building cost $ 5 billion, or 2,260 times less than the $ 11,300 billion in the Pandora Papers. It is made up of three buildings on which rests a 340-meter-long garden with the largest infinity pool in the world.

Read also : Pandora, OpenLux: what are these surveys for?

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