The 5 things you should know this October 5: What we know about the massive failure of WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram

5 conclusions of the Pandora papers. What we know so far about the California oil spill. The European Medicines Agency endorses offering a booster dose of Pfizer to those over 18. This is what you need to know to start the day. Truth first.


Massive WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram Failure

After about six hours of outages, WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram services began to gradually reestablish on Monday afternoon. The outage was caused by a “faulty configuration change” involving the equipment handling network traffic and there is no evidence that user data is compromised, the company said in a statement. The cut came the morning after “60 Minutes” aired a segment in which Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen claimed that the company is aware of how its platforms are used to spread hate, violence and misinformation and that has tried to hide the evidence.


5 takeaways from Pandora’s papers

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists on Sunday released the Pandora Papers, an exposition of the financial secrets and offshore deals of dozens of heads of state, public officials and politicians from 91 countries and territories. Here, the main conclusions that emerge from the revelations.

Government of Mexico will investigate Pandora’s papers 5:58


California Oil Spill: What Is Known And What May Happen Next

Approximately 3,000 barrels of oil were spilled into the Pacific Ocean about 8 kilometers off the coast of Huntington Beach, California, threatening marine life and raising concerns about how it may affect the inhabitants of the area. What happened? Who is responsible? Can the oil slick spread? This is what we know.

California devastated by oil spill, fires and drought 4:06


Europe endorses offering additional dose of Pfizer to people over 18 years of age

After evaluating the data on the effectiveness of a booster dose of the Comirnaty vaccine (BioNTech / Pfizer) for the population between 18 and 55 years old who have already completed their immunization schedule against covid-19, the Committee for Human Medicines of the European Medicines Agency concluded that this third dose can be administered to adults at least six months after receiving the second.

Keys to understanding Pfizer’s recommendation on reinforcement 1:05


This week in Washington everything revolves around the debt ceiling

The US Congress avoided a government shutdown and Democrats were forced to give up their infrastructure and social safety net agenda in an eventful week on Capitol Hill. But, to some extent, those agenda items pale in comparison to the magnitude of the issue that Congress must begin to address this week: the debt ceiling.

What is the US debt ceiling? We explain you 1:47

At coffee time

The 2021 Nobel Prize Laureates in Physics

The Nobel Prize in Physics went to Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi “for their innovative contributions to our understanding of complex physical systems,” the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced on Tuesday.

William Shatner (Captain Kirk) to go into space with Blue Origin

The original Captain Kirk of the Star Trek franchise, 90-year-old actor William Shatner, is about to be “transported” into space. But instead of “Scotty” doing the honors, it’ll be a Jeff Bezos Blue Origin rocket.

Jeff Bezos’ company sues NASA for a contract 0:59

Brain stimulation acts “like a switch” to turn off a patient’s severe depression

After years of suffering, an untreated patient with severe depression has found relief with an experimental brain implant originally developed to help people with epilepsy, California researchers reported.

Increases stress and depression due to covid-19 1:22

5 Charts Illustrating Why Being Hispanic or Latino in the U.S. Is More Than Speaking Spanish

The Latino or Hispanic population represents about 19% of the population of the United States. Latinos are a complex and diverse constituency with the power to influence key elections. They are also a rapidly growing group of entrepreneurs. These and other data show that being Hispanic is much more than speaking Spanish.

The knowledge of this Hispanic led him to Secretary of Health 2:28

Why Everybody Loves The Fat Bear Week Competition

The leaves are changing color, there is a slight sense of freshness in the air, and the shelves are packed with pumpkin-flavored produce. Everything points to one thing: “Fat Bear Week” is here.

They celebrate Fat Bear Week: what is it about? 0:47

The number of the day

US $ 5.4 million

Netflix and Howard University have created a $ 5.4 million scholarship in honor of Chadwick Boseman, which will cover four years of tuition at Howard College of Fine Arts, renamed after the actor this year.

College will be named after Chadwick Boseman in his honor 0:48

Quote of the day

“I think, frankly, that it is hypocritical, dangerous and shameful.”

President Joe Biden lashed out at Senate Republicans amid the confrontation over the US government debt limit.

Oil companies go against climate rules of Biden’s plan 1:07

Selection of the day

Windows 11 Review: Should You Upgrade Right Now?

The company gave ‘tin and paint’ to your PC software. This is all you will see in the new and modern Windows 11.

And to finish…

Philippines Celebrates Mass Blessing of Pets

Pets are blessed in the Philippines for Animal Day 1:06

In the Philippines they celebrated World Animal Day in a very special way: with a massive blessing of pets from a caravan of cars and taking care of social distancing. See how the event was.

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