Coronavirus in Slovakia: The situation is critical in the Žilina hospital, they called the crisis staff (minute by minute) –

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13:05 SLOVAKIA – The University Hospital with the JA Reiman Polyclinic in Prešov has occupied most of the 40 beds for patients with covid.

According to the director of the hospital, Ľubomír Šarník, 36 patients are currently hospitalized in the infection department and the other three require artificial lung ventilation.

The hospital registers ten employees who had a positive test result and six employees are on quarantine PN because they were in contact with a positively tested family member.

Related article Covid’s beds are being filled in the Prešov hospital Read

13:04 SLOVAKIA – Crisis staff convened today at the University Hospital with a polyclinic in Žilina in connection with the critical deterioration of the situation and the development of the health status of patients with covid.

Currently, 38 people are hospitalized in the covid pavilion, nine people are required to be connected to artificial lung ventilation, eight of whom are in critical condition.

13:01 WORLD – Data from real use have shown that vaccines can also help reduce the likelihood of disease transmission in particular in the first months after vaccination.

He informs the Ministry of Health on the social network.

Although this effect is coming delta variant weakened, it is not true that vaccinees are as likely to spread the infection as non-vaccinees.

12:43 HOME – The University Hospital Trenčín has partially limited the planned surgical procedures from 1 October due to the increased number of hospitalized with covid. The hospital informed about it on its website.

Healthcare for cancer and acute patients, including childbirth-related healthcare, continues to be provided in full.

Due to the worsened epidemiological situation, the hospital has been banned from visiting since 7 September.

According to the National Center for Health Information, 36 patients with the disease were hospitalized on Sunday (October 3) COVID-19, five of them were on artificial lung ventilation.

11:48 WORLD – The World Health Organization (WHO) reservations on the Russian Sputnik V vaccine did not concern the vaccine itself, but the accompanying documents.

This was stated on Monday by the Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Muraško, the TASS agency reported. According to the minister, Russia is ready to submit these documents within a week.

Muraško announced on Saturday that in connection with the registration vaccines Sputnik All barriers at the WHO have been removed and only the administration needs to be completed, Reuters reported.

11:41 WORLD – Teachers in New York City must be fully vaccinatedif they want to continue their work. This is the first measure of its kind in the USA.

Mayor Bill de Blasio warned that unvaccinated employees would not be able to start work and would have to draw unpaid vacation.

De Blasio added that 90 percent of education staff received at least the first benefit, of which 93 percent were teachers.

11:30 WORLD – The people of Israel also need a third dose to get a “green pass” that will allow them to enter restaurants, gyms and other facilities.

According to Reuters, starting tomorrow, business owners or event organizers will have to scan digital passport codes before letting anyone in. An exception applies, for example, to museums and libraries.

11:12 HOMEAt the L. Pasteur University Hospital in Košice, the number of covide patients increased again. They had to reprofile other departments.

Hospital spokeswoman Monika Krišková informed about it.

In September, they also recorded 31 victims of covid. “These are extremely high numbers. As many as 92% of covide patients are not vaccinated, the dangerous delta variant takes its toll. Many deaths could have been prevented if patients had been vaccinated,” said Ján Slávik, the hospital’s general manager.

Since Monday, the hospital has also tightened the triad of patients.

11:02 HOME – The third wave of the pandemic has already claimed five victims at the hospital in Stará Ľubovňa. The situation is bad, according to its director Petr, they are currently in the hospital
Bizovského 19 hospitalized with COVID-19.

As he further told the SITA agency, two of them are on artificial lung ventilation and five on High Flow ventilation, ie oxygen therapy.

Related article The third wave in the Ľubovňa hospital has already claimed five victims. Nurses are also infected Read

10:58 HOME – The Ministry of Health will provide antigen tests for screening in outpatient facilities.

TASR informed the Association of Outpatient Providers. The Ministry of Health thus responded to the union’s questions in connection with the guidelines it issued for testing patients and employees in hospitals and outpatient clinics.

“Antigen tests are and will be for the needs of screening in outpatient facilities provided by the department and distributed to local authorities, where outpatient health care providers can turn to a specific number of tests and questions about the next steps,” said the president of the association Jaroslava Orosová by the Ministry of Health.
According to the union, the ministry responded to his initiative on September 24.

10:56 HOME – The field service of the Bratislava self-governing region continues to vaccinate residents municipalities in the region with a vaccine against COVID-19.

“After vaccinating hundreds of immobile inhabitants of the region and clients of social services facilities, we fully embarked on field vaccination. We have visited five municipalities – Tomášov, Nová Dedinka, Most pri Bratislave,
Vysoká pri Morave, Zohor, “said the chairman of the region on the social network Juraj Droba and added that wherever they went, there was great interest in vaccinations, so they will continue.

10:20 HOME – The total number of people vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine is 2,457,689 in the previous day, 165 vaccinated.

The second dose of the vaccine has already been received by 2,259,761 people, and 186 people have been vaccinated the past day.

10:00 HOME – PCR tests revealed 267 infected with 2,223 tests performed.

Of these, more than 71 percent were not vaccinated. 206 people had a positive antigen test, more than 78 percent of whom do not have vaccinations. They performed 8,708 antigen tests.

The most positively tested RT-PCR tests were in the Košice region (133), followed by Bratislavský (41), Trenčiansky (30), Žilinský (22), Prešovský (19), Banskobystrický (11), Nitriansky (10) and Trnavský (1) .

There are 127 men and 140 women among them. The total number of positively tested men is 198,640 and women 217,620.

606 patients are hospitalized in hospitals, 547 people have confirmed the disease. Among hospitalized, 83.95% of people are not vaccinated at all or only partially vaccinated.

There are 70 patients at JIS, 62 people need the support of artificial lung ventilation, more than three quarters of them are not vaccinated.

The number of confirmed victims of pulmonary COVID-19 increased by 8 people. The total number of “Covid” deaths is 12,676 and the total number of “Covid” deaths is 2,476.

The total number of completed laboratory PCR tests so far is 3,626,058, and 416,260 people were tested positive in this way. The total number of performed Ag tests so far is 38,398,146, of which 393,024 persons were tested positively.

The total number of inactive cases is 724,414. These are persons who have overcome COVID-19 disease, either clinically or asymptomaticly, and 2 to 4 weeks have elapsed since the test was found in outpatients and 6 weeks in inpatients.

9:46 WORLD – The UK has introduced simplified travel rules since Monday.

Countries are divided into two categories: red and others.

Most fully vaccinated passengers from outside the Red List will no longer have to take the test before traveling to Britain.

This applies to people vaccinated in Britain, the European Union, the United States and 18 other countries, as well as people under the age of 18 living in those countries.

However, all passengers, with the exception of children under the age of five, must undergo a PCR test within two days of entering the UK. The British government has already announced that a cheaper test will suffice for fully vaccinated people from the end of October. However, the government has not yet announced the exact date.

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9:42 HOME -Police are looking for a woman who claims in a video that from October 1, all test rods are “soaked” with COVID-19 for the intentional spread of the disease.

The woman also says that unvaccinated infected patients are secretly treated with Ivermectin. The police point out in their profile on the social network that this is an alarm message.

8:51 WORLD – The Czech Republic and Norway have ranked Slovakia among the countries with a high risk of infection since Monday, October 4, that is, among the red countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed about it.

Before entering the Czech Republic, passengers are obliged to fill in the arrival form and present a document on its completion upon request during the inspection. They should also provide the result of the COVID-19 test on request.

When traveling by public transport before entering the Czech Republic, these persons must have a negative result of the antigen test not older than 48 hours or the RT-PCR test not older than 72 hours.

The Ministry adds that it is not necessary to have a test result before entering the country when traveling by individual transport. Exceptions are persons who have been vaccinated more than 14 days ago against COVID-19, are shown a national certificate of completed vaccination and who also show no signs of COVID-19.

This also applies to persons who have overcome COVID-19, have no clinical signs of the disease, have undergone isolation, and at least 11 days, but not more than 180 days, have elapsed since the first positive RT-PCR test and are certified as having COVID-19.

They can also prove themselves by a diplomatic note issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic certifying the documented completion of isolation in connection with the COVID-19 disease in the country of departure before entering the territory of the Czech Republic.

7:49 WORLD – 314 new cases were added to the Czech Republic on Sunday coronavirus infections. The reproduction number increased from 1.29 to 1.36.

6:14 WORLD – Three members of the Vatican Swiss Guardwho refused to be vaccinated voluntarily left the advice of the Pope’s bodyguards and returned to Switzerland.

Swiss Guard spokesman Urs Breitenmoser told the AP.

He explained that all members of the Swiss Guard were asked to be vaccinated in order to “protect their health and the health of other people with whom they come into contact during their service”.

“Three of them have decided not to comply with this request and to leave the guard voluntarily,” Breitenmoser said in a statement. He added that the other three are temporarily out of service, as their vaccination against COVID-19 is still pending.

0:05 SLOVAKIA As of today, the regulation to wear a veil at school is relaxed. Primary school children no longer have to wear it in the classroom. However, they must put it on in common areas – in corridors or in cloakrooms. High school students have a duty to have on their faces mask despite teaching, she remained.

Who doesn’t have to wear a veil in class? And why do high school students still have to wear it during class? We have prepared questions and answers >>>>

0:00 SLOVAKIA As of today, according to the covid machine, no district is green. There are 27 districts in the alert level (orange), 39 districts in the first threat level (red). There are already 13 districts in the second level of threat (burgundy).

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