President Čaputová responds to Fica: Ask Matovič how much he likes me. According to her, early elections are one of the solutions – REFRESHER

Zuzana Čaputová discussed today on RTVS television.



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Over the past week, President Zuzana Čaputová met with several political leaders from both the government coalition and the parliamentary opposition. Čaputová discussed with Peter Pellegrini, Boris Kollár, but also Robert Fico. However, she did not meet with the chairman of OĽaNO, Igor Matovič.

According to the president, the most important is a stable government that will be able to get Slovakia out of the crisis. Čaputová does not like the fact that the representatives of the government coalition regularly talk every week that they are considering leaving the government, she said in the program O 5 minut 12 on RTVS.

Zuzana Caputova. Source: TASR / Martin Baumann

In response to the current situation, she acknowledged that early elections could be one of the solutions, but denied that she would deliberately thwart the referendum on early elections. Robert Fico accuses her of failing the referendum, to which Čaputová stated that Fico and several representatives of the Smer-SD party are not telling the truth.

Fica responded harshly to the finger-pointing from Fica, who accused her of being part of the governing coalition, according to a speech in parliament, where she presented a report on the state of the republic. Apparently let Fico ask Matovic how much he loves her when he claims to be an active part of the government.

Instead of crisis and quarrels, he expects the government to try to ensure what the people of Slovakia do the most – family and friendship relationships, a dignified life and fair treatment.

“All three of these values ​​or qualities have been attacked in the last year. We lost our loved ones, we were afraid of our lives, we were endangered by the social and economic situation. The issue of justice is a special category that is much debated. The situation is objectively difficult, “ evaluated the president.

At the end of her interview with RTVS, however, she praised Minister Vladimír Lengvarský for leading the health sector, which she said clearly communicated and prepared the country to cope with the third wave better than in the second. At the same time, Čaputová condemned the attacks on paramedics or vaccination team workers.

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Source: TASRPreview image: TASR / Martin Baumann

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