Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to Bernard Tapie in a letter to the readers of “La Provence” – LCI

TRIBUTE – In a letter addressed to readers of La Provence, the Head of State pays tribute to praise Bernard Tapie, the “man of Marseille”, who is committed “to the end” for the inhabitants of the Phocaean city.

“The face of victory is gone”. In a letter addressed to the readers of the newspaper Provence, whose group is held by Bernard Tapie, who died this Sunday, Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to him. For the President of the Republic, a fan of Olympique Marseille, and “for all football fans“, “Bernard Tapie will forever remain the one who, by dint of energy, commitment and talent, took OM to the roof of Europe”.

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It was indeed during his presidency of the Olympian club in 1993 that OM won the first – and only – European Cup for a French club. “I will not forget that enchanted night of May 1993 when, a few minutes after Basile Boli’s goal, carried in triumph by a few men in white and blue, he brandished, with a smile on his lips, the cup with big ears so awaited by all a city, by a whole people “, recalls Emmanuel Macron.

There will undoubtedly be some of us who will continue to believe that he is not gone, not him. Since everything is possible– Emmanuel Macron

For the Head of State, Bernard Tapie represented “a strength, a will, a rage to win which seemed to say to all those he met: ‘Kid, anything is possible'”. “By his patter and his work, he conquered France and Europe”, he adds.

But above all, the man of a thousand lives, “will forever be like the man of Marseille”. “Bernard Tapie has left us but his breath will continue to inhabit the Phocaean City. You will be many, these days, at the Velodrome stadium, to say a last goodbye to him. And since the Mazargues cemetery that he will join for his last rest, he will continue, I am sure, to watch over this city about which we have spoken so much together and for which he cultivated until the end a boundless passion “, says Emmanuel Macron.

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And to conclude: “There will undoubtedly be some of us who will continue to believe that he is not gone, not him. Since anything is possible. Then, we will recognize him, order ourselves, half-serious, half-mocking, to continue to believe in our dreams “.

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