“You hurt a lot of people at France 2”: Léa Salamé and Jean-Luc Mélenchon explain themselves live – OZAP

Time for explanations. Saturday evening, shortly after midnight on France 2, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was the political guest of Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé in “On est en direct”. An expected arrival given the strained relations between the leader of rebellious France and the public service. A week ago, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had indeed preferred to debate on BFMTV against Eric Zemmour rather than being the first guest of the show “Elysée 2022” where Léa Salamé officiates in duet with Thomas Sotto.

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Moreover, this program did not stand up to the continuous news channel which topped the hearings on September 23. The next day, guest of “Touche pas à mon poste”, the politician even welcomed this poor performance for the public service by declaring: “Me, I had nothing to do with it, they took a nice jail“.

“This one, he had prepared it!”

In “On est en direct” on Saturday night, it was not long before an allusion to this dispute appeared. And it is also Jean-Luc Mélenchon who opened hostilities. Asked about his ability to rally on the left, he addressed Léa Salamé by throwing her a little spade: “The day you have a program that makes as many votes as I do in the elections, you will come to deny me!“. A reflection that visibly surprised the journalist, who stammered:”This one, he had prepared!“. “Lea, don’t take it the wrong way, I had no bad intentions“, specified the person concerned.”This is not the place. But you hurt a lot of people in the editorial staff of France 2“, replied his interlocutor.

The atmosphere however remained cordial during the interview, Léa Salamé even proposing that the public service organize the new debate demanded by Jean-Luc Mélenchon; the latter wanting to discuss with the President of the Republic on France’s foreign policy.

And at the very end of the sequence, it is the political leader himself who reconsidered his initial small attack: “I hope I didn’t sting you too much because that wasn’t my intention. I want you to know that. (…) I appreciate you very much, I have no conflict with you“. Léa Salamé preferred to evoke the public service rather than her personal case.”Hope you don’t have a conflict with France 2, she told him. Public service is damn important today. You made a commitment to come, you decided not to come. Hope you will come back with pleasure“.”We will negotiate that!“, concluded Jean-Luc Mélenchon. puremedias.com suggests that you review this sequence.

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