ASSE: Puel’s dumpling with Hamouma – Goal! Football club

Zapping Goal! Football club ASSE: Laurent Hess’s edit on Mathieu Debuchy

Aware that his workforce lacked experience, Claude Puel finally gave his approval to give Romain Hamouma another chance this summer. The attacking midfielder of ASSE, long in the dark about his future, was therefore able to leave for a new season with the Greens but is slow to come out of the doldrums before the reception of OL (8:45 p.m.).

The Team, in its edition of the day, also mentioned a little anecdote about the former player of SM Caen (34 years old) and his relationship with the coach of ASSE. We still learn that his rigid management style annoys the managers of the Saint-Etienne locker room.

“Especially when he tells them the shoes they should wear for running, training … Or by explaining that Hamouma will resolve his muscle problems with orthopedic insoles. He has been wearing it for years, ”slips Bernard Lions with a touch of irony.

to summarize

Extended in extremis this summer by ASSE, Romain Hamouma is struggling for the moment to raise the level of the Greens at this disastrous start to the season. An anecdote with Claude Puel has arisen and is not really positive towards the Castres.

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