Weiss after Slovan’s valuable points gain: Golden point, we played a great match with a tough opponent! – Športky.sk

Slovana Bratislava coach Vladimír Weiss Source: TASR / AP / Giannis Papanikos

THESSALONIKI – Slovana Bratislava footballers won the first point in the F-group of the European Conference League after a 1: 1 draw at the PAOK Thessaloniki pitch. Both goals fell in the opening quarter of the match, Andre Green responded to the exact hit of the home striker Chubu Akpom.

“We would take a point before the match and I think we can still consider it golden. We played a great match with a tough opponent, we had three clear chances. I believe we will get some points at home and fight for promotion. Henty was today the best player of the match, he played great. He is an international player, “ evaluated after the match for RTVS white helmsman Vladimír Weiss.

Slovan defender Lukáš Pauschek also talked about the difficult match: “It was an extremely difficult match. The home team took the lead first after my mistake when I let the player center the line. Fortunately, we managed to equalize quickly. We played as a team and we were able to get into chances. It’s a pity that we they didn’t use it, but we’re also happy for the point. “

Slovan is in 3rd place in the table with one point after two rounds. The second is PAOK with four. The leader of the group is FC Copenhagen, which on Thursday won at home over the Gibraltar outsider Lincoln Red Imps 3: 1.

The next match will be played by Slovan on October 21, and he will welcome an opponent from Gibraltar on Tehelné pole.

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