Seduced by undercover agent, activist wins lawsuit against police

A British environmental activist won a lawsuit against the police for violating her human rights after discovering that her ex-boyfriend was an undercover agent tasked with spying on her. Kate Wilson, 41, had a passionate relationship between 2003 and 2005 with a man who introduced himself as Mark Stone. But in 2010 he discovered that the man was actually Mark Kennedy, a married agent of the Npiou police intelligence unit. Kennedy, who resigned in 2010, had sexual relations with as many as ten women during his spying assignment among environmental militants. The Metropolitan (Met) and National Police (NPCC) have admitted in court the violation of Wilson’s rights, but denied that other members of the police besides Kennedy’s supervisor knew about the sexual relationship. however, the court ruled that Kennedy’s superiors were “either very naïve or have chosen to turn a blind eye”. Furthermore, the operation could not be justified “as necessary in a democratic society”.

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