The court decides on the criminal group Plačková et al .: PHOTO Maneuvers in Pezinok, they brought the first batch of accused –

Updated at 15:51

The individual participants in the proceedings are gradually removed from the Specialized Criminal Court in Pezinok.

Updated at 14:50

The interrogation of the first accused took several tens of minutes. Tibor Gubán has already been removed from the Specialized Criminal Court. The decision will not be heard by all accused until tomorrow.

Source: Topky – Ján Zemiar

The court decides on criminal

Source: Topky – Ján Zemiar

Great maneuvers in the Specialized Criminal Court! Criminal investigators brought in the first five accused of founding, conceiving and supporting a criminal group and of drug crime. Zuzana Plačková and her husband René Strausz are among the accused. However, they will wait until the evening for a verdict on their fate. Their interrogations are scheduled for five o’clock.

So far, Tibor Gubán and Marian Šok were brought to Pezinok. Both are accused of participating in a criminal group and of producing and selling meth. Elite police seized up to nine kilograms of drugs during Monday’s intervention. Drug crimes of this enormous scale risk up to 25 years in prison, and in some cases life imprisonment.

The court decides on criminal

Source: Topky – Ján Zemiar

The court decides on criminal

Source: Topky – Ján Zemiar

Plačková and her husband are accused of participating in a criminal group and also of drug crime. Together with the other three defendants, they were to sell and import cocaine again. During a house search at the famous influencer, they found six mobile phones, a laptop and an identity card in the name of Mário Herák. Plačková denies guilt and refused to testify before the investigator. So is her husband.

The court decides on criminal

Source: Topky – Ján Zemiar

The court decides on criminal

Source: Topky – Ján Zemiar

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