Presidential 2022: the leader of the deputies Les Républicains proposes a debate to Éric Zemmour – franceinfo

Damien Abad wrote to the polemicist, who continues to climb in the polls, to offer him a debate.

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“I invite you to confront our convictions during a debate”, writes the president of the group Les Républicains to the National Assembly, Damien Abad, in a letter sent Wednesday, September 29 to Éric Zemmour, revealed by Le Point and of which franceinfo has taken note. “Faced with the ambitions which are lent to you, it seems to me necessary to make this democratic meeting”, adds the leader of the deputies LR.

“I hear here and there that Eric Zemmour would have convictions in common with the republican right”, adds the deputy of Ain in a press release, in addition to this letter. For him, “the French have the right to an informed debate to understand what differentiates the Republican right “ of the polemicist.

During this duel, Damien Abad hears “defend” the “proposals” that his parliamentary group “formula for almost 5 years”. “If Éric Zemmour dreams of a populist tsunami, the Republicans will be an impassable dam. France has nothing to do with Pétainism or the extreme right”, he asserts.

“You propose yourself because your boss, Xavier Bertrand [il a en réalité quitté LR en 2017], dare not do it? “Eric Zemmour replied at the end of the morning on Twitter. “Because you are a presidential candidate? Am I to take it that you are shirking?”, retorted Damien Abad on the same social network.

This proposed debate comes nearly a week after the duel between Éric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, on BFMTV, which was followed by 3.81 million viewers on average, according to data from the channel and Médiamétrie.

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