If Plačková is really guilty: UNIQUE words of Jasmina Alagič to her address! – Topky.sk

Jasmina Alagic is at the beginning commented very vaguely on the situation surrounding the arrest of Zuzana Plačková. Since the fans’ requests and their questions did not end, she decided to make a video where she sharpened her opinion and answered the most frequently asked questions.

“I feel strange about this, I think they should be competent to express themselves. I admit to you that it is a little difficult for me to look at various people on Instagram, whether publicly known or non-publicly known, who express themselves and who have already condemned … “ the moderator began, not yet knowing for herself whether something had really happened and whether Zuzana had acted as the accusations claim. “… since no one is convicted of anything yet.”

“Anyway, I’ll put it this way – this information shocked me as much as each of you when it happened on Monday,” she added. However, they do not intend to end their cooperation with the Instagram Queen. “I will continue with collagen. Of course, I’m shocked, of course, I’m sorry for the situation that arose, but I won’t dive into the people I worked with without knowing what I should condemn them for. So don’t expect me to insult anyone, but don’t expect me to defend anyone. ” declared the wife of rapper Rytmus.

Source: Instagram JA

Of course, one of the most frequently asked questions by the fans was how Jasmina would feel if Zuzana was actually convicted. “If her guilt was proven by chance, I would say that it would disappoint me, because my meetings with Zuzka were really in a very pleasant spirit. I knew Zuzka as a man who was very nice, who helped a lot of people and I know her as a very fair person. So, of course, it would disappoint me, because I don’t think it’s the right thing to do, but I won’t judge her for it. If by chance she was also convicted, I would remember Zuzka as she was affected by me, how her personality touched me and this way I would have her in my eyes, but of course, there would be disappointment, ” Jasmina said, adding that so far she is most sorry for the attitude of many people. “I was also very disappointed by some people who are known in public,” netajila. You can find the full statement in the video embedded above.

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