Is it allergy, flu or covid-19? How do you know the difference?

(CNN) – Covid-19 has infected millions of people in the world. After more than a year and a half of the pandemic, practically everyone has changed their habits, their lifestyle, and their care.

One of the issues that generated confusion at the beginning of the pandemic was the physical manifestations of the coronavirus in people who become ill, very similar to those of the flu, the common cold or allergy.

That’s why CNN spoke with Dr. Greg Poland, professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the Mayo Clinic and director of the Vaccine Research Group at the Mayo Clinic, about differences between typical allergy, cold and flu symptoms, and the associated ones. with the coronavirus.

Itchy eyes? Runny nose? You probably have allergies or a common cold

“The problem with seasonal allergies is that they affect the nose and the eyes,” says Poland. “They tend to be nasal and most of the symptoms are in the head, unless you also experience a rash.”

Covid-19 and flu symptoms tend to be more systematic

That is, they affect the whole body.

“The flu and the new coronavirus affect other systems and the lower respiratory tract,” says Poland. “You probably won’t have a runny nose, but what you might have is a sore throat, cough, fever, or shortness of breath. So it’s a subtly different clinical diagnosis.

More deaths from covid than from the 1918 flu pandemic 1:00

Pay attention to your temperature: Poland says that allergies are highly unlikely to cause a fever. They usually don’t cause shortness of breath, either, unless you have a pre-existing condition like asthma.

Allergy symptoms occur regularly and are generally mild

Poland says that if you’ve had the same symptoms at around the same time, year after year, you’re probably experiencing seasonal allergies. In that case, over-the-counter medications and other regular health precautions will help you feel better.

Coronavirus and flu symptoms can put you out of the game

“If you have an acute case of coronavirus or flu, you will feel so tired, so sore, that they will basically put you to bed. Everyone will see the difference,” says Poland. “Allergies can make you feel tired, but they won’t cause severe muscle or joint pain.”

Mild cold and flu symptoms usually resolve on their own

With normal illnesses, you will begin to feel better with proper rest and care within a few days (unless you are elderly or have other health conditions, in which case even minor illnesses can take longer).

Covid-19 and acute flu symptoms could get worse as days go by

If you have a nasty case of the flu or coronavirus, you can get worse when you expect to get better. This is a sure sign to seek medical attention.

“What would increase the suspicion of coronavirus would be if you had difficulty breathing,” says Poland. “People can also develop pneumonia from the flu, which has a similar presentation, so you’ll want to seek medical attention either way.”

Early symptoms of allergies, cold, flu and coronavirus could be similar

Unfortunately, Poland says, the initial stages of colds, flu, and coronaviruses can be very similar, and some coronavirus and flu cases can be so mild that they don’t raise any red flags. That is why you should pay attention to see if your symptoms persist, especially if you are in a risk group.

“We are concerned about the elderly, people with asthma or other lung diseases, people with heart disease or diabetes, and also pregnant women,” says Poland.

Should you get vaccinated against covid-19 and flu at the same time? 1:48

Coronavirus cases usually have some context

So you think you have the coronavirus. Poland says any doctor will ask you some contextual questions, like:

  • Have you recently traveled and, if so, where?
  • Have you had someone in your house or have you had a co-worker or schoolmate who has traveled? Where did they go?
  • Have you had someone in your home from the areas where the outbreak is most concentrated?
  • Have you been on a cruise?
  • Do you live near an area where there is an outbreak?

“You are like a detective, trying to accept and gather data,” says Poland. “If someone who hasn’t left central Kansas thinks they have the coronavirus, I’d say take a Tylenol, drink plenty of fluids, and get some rest.”

It may sound harsh, but the current availability of testing, treatment, and adequate response to the virus does not accommodate vague inclinations.

“If you’re concerned, call your doctor,” says Poland. “Describe your symptoms and they will make a decision. You can’t test everyone and you can’t test anyone repeatedly.”

This is also an opportunity to think a bit before competing for a diagnosis.

“You would take the next step if your suspicion increases,” says Poland.

READ: Coronavirus today: Coronavirus cases exceed 115,000 worldwide

Just because it’s not coronavirus doesn’t mean it’s not serious

Yes, the coronavirus may have a comparatively higher death rate, but Poland also notes that the more people who are infected, the more likely the infection will spread to others.

This means that even with the statistical difference in death rates, the flu is more prevalent and much more likely to be a problem for the average person.

“When you have 30 million infected, it is easy to infect the next 10 million,” says Poland.


While it’s important to take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, you may have to live with some uncertainty when it comes to the general health anxieties it inspires.

It’s up to you to stay alert, consider your medical history, monitor any symptoms, and think critically if your specific situation puts you at risk, or if you just need an allergy medication and get some rest.

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