PMA for all: the implementing decree published in the Official Journal, announces Olivier Véran – Franceinfo

The Minister of Health described the text as “very good news, much awaited”.

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“The decree implementing the PMA for single women and female couples is very good news, much awaited”, welcomed Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, Wednesday, September 29 on France Inter. THEThe document was published in Official newspaper the same morning.

“With Élisabeth Moreno, my colleague Minister for Gender Equality, we met couples of women who initiated this journey”, adds Olivier Véran. “I will remember all my life this couple of women who said to me: ‘Until now we did not speak French because we were going to the Netherlands, yesterday we went through the door for the first time with dignity. from a French hospital and things have changed for us. ‘”

The implementing decree on assisted reproduction specifies that “egg retrieval can be performed in women up to their 43rd birthday”. Men can donate sperm up to the age of 60. However, as part of a “self-preservation de its gametes with a view to the subsequent realization of medically assisted procreation “, oocyte collection in women will be between 29 and 37 years of age. For men, semen collection will be possible between 29 and 45 years old.


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