Primary environmentalist: the voters of Sandrine Rousseau “will have a candidate in 2022: Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, ju – Franceinfo



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The deputy for La France insoumise was received on Tuesday in the program “Your political guest” on the franceinfo channel. She reacted to the investiture of Yannick Jadot by Europe Ecologie-Les Verts.

We know the big winner of the ecological primary for the presidential election of 2022. Yannick Jadot was appointed candidate, Tuesday, September 28, with 51.03% of the vote against Sandrine Rousseau (48.97%). “The clarifications will be able to be done on which ecology we want to implement between a bifurcation ecology and an accommodation ecology”, estimated the LFI deputy Danièle Obono in the program “Your political guest” on the franceinfo channel.

The elected representative of the 17th district of Paris, praising the ecology of rupture carried by Sandrine Rousseau throughout her campaign, considered that all the voters who “made this candidacy will now have a candidate in 2022: Jean-Luc Mélenchon”.

“The climate issue is one of the first concerns of the French, we address ourselves to all citizens, including those of the primary ecologist”, concluded the member of La France insoumise.

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