With the arrival of the delta, more people are expected: Are there desolates behind it? Virologist and data analyst have a clear answer – Topky.sk

During the summer, we saw a lower interest in vaccinations in Slovakia – those who wanted were already vaccinated and those who had not been, or were hesitant, or were waiting for a more suitable opportunity, or completely refuse vaccination. According to virlogist Boris Klemp, this is also due to the fact that we do not need to protect ourselves in good times, and only when “going hard” does the issue of security become our priority. He stated this for the portal eReport.sk.

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“It simply came to our notice then. We also saw at the end of the last wave that the interest was much higher at the beginning. This is also happening in other countries, the examples from the USA are known, where, unfortunately, the interest in the vaccine will unfortunately come too late. It can be counted on. If people still hesitate and are inclined not to hesitate and wait, because the risk of infection will increase from day to day. “ Klempa explained, adding that it was already a little late and better than nothing, to have one dose in you and not be so fully vaccinated.

Source: TASR – Pavol Zachar

It is not just a problem in Slovakia

Otherwise, data analysts look at the whole thing. According to them, interest in vaccinations continues to rise weekly. They are not all desolates, I hate that word. They are not all antivaxers, but there are four groups. They are really antivaxers, we won’t do anything with them. Then there are people who can’t reach it, living alone. The third group are those who are not lucky enough to live in an environment that is compelling. They could also be vaccinated, but will be declared the black sheep of the family and the like. And the fourth group are those who just didn’t believe that the delta would come, that the covid would return, “ explained Ivan Bošňák. However, at the beginning of September, according to Bošňák’s words, they found out that the delta variant is real, and therefore they can be vaccinated.

However, it is not just a problem of Slovakia, according to Bošňák, such behavior can be observed in other countries as well. “It has been observed in all countries, massively in Spain and Portugal. Spain was vaccinated at 40% at the beginning of July, today it is at 80%. There came the wave, they all wanted to live freely, they normally ran over the holidays and in three months 40% of the population was vaccinated. They will soon announce that they live in the wild, as 80% are vaccinated. ” Bošňák pointed out.

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