Presidential 2022: invested on the wire by environmentalists, Yannick Jadot wants to unite on the left – archyde

It is 5:20 p.m., Tuesday, September 28, on the Ourcq canal, in Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis), aboard the barge where the support of Yannick Jadot has gathered. Cell phones begin to vibrate and relieved smiles appear on their faces, in an increasingly dense hubbub that will soon turn into cheers: “Yannick president! “

A few hundred meters away, on the Sandrine Rousseau side, it’s the opposite. An icy silence precedes the wait for the verdict, before being finally interrupted by tears for the most disappointed and “Thank you Sandrine! “ for the most resilient. “You can count on us to continue this adventure”, launches the beaten finalist to her support, to signify that she will not let go of her radical ecofeminism.

Jadot got scared

51.03% for Yannick Jadot, 48.97% for Sandrine Rousseau. Certainly, victory is ripped off by a hair, 2,112 votes to be precise, but for the winners, no need to stress it too much. Barely more than 2,000 votes on the scale of 120,000 registered, it is just enough to avoid that the ballot is contestable. Evidenced by this exchange between two jadotists who wondered how to announce victory on social networks. “What do we say about the difference in voices?”

– We say nothing, we talk about participation and we say Yannick Jadot, “THE” candidate of ecology! “

The favorite won. But it was not won. Yannick Jadot was scared. “We’re not going to lie to each other. A few minutes before the result, we were very excited, we knew it was going to be tight ”, recognizes the deputy (ex-La République en Marche) of Maine-et-Loire Matthieu Orphelin, at his side at the time of the announcement.

Read also Primary environmentalist: Yannick Jadot, the “pragmatic” candidate of EELV in the presidential election

Since the good results of the Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) list that he led to the Europeans in 2019 (13.48%), Yannick Jadot is thinking about the presidential election. This primary, he hesitated to participate, then he agreed to play the game, on condition that it does not create insurmountable internal divisions. Because his political credo has always been the great gathering.

As such, during his victory speech, he had some Gaullian impulses – “To be French is to have your feet in the ground with your gaze fixed on the horizon”. A response to Eric Zemmour and to all those who “Would like to lock us up in filthy debates, on the first names of the children, the rehabilitation of Pétain”. To be virulent against the extreme right, of course, but it was above all, during this primary, to settle definitively the political lukewarm lawsuits brought by the left wing of his own camp and which stuck to him.

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