President: Slovakia is an injured country, it needs stability – Denník N

President Zuzana Čaputová considers Slovakia to be an injured country that needs to cope with the global health crisis with the least possible losses, and it also needs to cope with other challenges.

“Slovakia today desperately needs stability. Clear and unified leadership. Peace based on truth, justice, but also materiality and solidarity, she told the members of the National Council in the report on the state of the republic. In the introductory part, she focused on the pandemic and what it caused in society. In others, she focused on what society divides.

Cleansing in society and issues around it

In subsequent sections, she criticized the war in the security forces, warned politicians against undermining public confidence in the state and expressed reservations about the attempt to change legislation through one commission. She also criticized the poor management of the pandemic, health problems and politicians for the insufficient fight against poverty and regional disparities, as well as the lack of economic assistance during the pandemic.

“We should be able to respect the division not only in our actions, but also in our statements, which can undermine the remnants of public confidence in the state and its institutions,” the president warned.

“Under normal circumstances, we would continue to watch the cleansing process with confidence as the investigation unraveles one

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