Terrorists arrested in France, yes to the Italian state on trial

The Paris Court of Appeal, according to what the Adnkronos learns, has formally authorized the intervention of the Italian State in the context of the ongoing procedure against the 9 former Italian terrorists who were arrested between 28 and 29 April and who they are at risk of extradition. This is a definitive decision that can no longer be contested in the continuation of the procedure. After the first hearings, the Paris Court of Appeal yesterday decided to reconvene the nine nine former militants who all showed up and who all refused extradition during the first hearing. The hearings, which will take place separately, according to what is learned, will take place in three half days: on 9, 23 and 30 June next.During these hearings in June there will be a first examination of the various dossiers, the first pleadings and a supplement of information will probably be requested by either the Prosecutor’s Office or the defense. The next step will be a postponement and a convocation of new hearings next autumn.After a bilateral preparatory work between Italy and France, a list of ten names of former Italian terrorists has been drawn up. The ten extradition requests were submitted to the Paris Court of Appeal which led to the arrest of 7 people on 28 April. The next day, on the 29th, two other former terrorists were constituted who on April 28th had not been stopped. The ex-Brigadier Maurizio Di Marzio is still missing, who for now has not accepted to be constituted. former member of the organization of the Armed Nuclei, Narciso Manenti, of the former militant of the armed proletariat Luca Bergamin and the former BR, Giovanni Alimonti are represented by the historic French lawyer Irene Terrel. , Sergio Tornaghi while the former militant of the Red Brigades, Enzo Cavitti is defended by the lawyer Jean-Louis Chalanset. The former militant of Workers’ Autonomy, Raffaele Ventura is defended by the French lawyer Jean-Pierre Mignard.