CORONAVÍRUS The highest number of cases in recent months increased in Slovakia –

Minister of Education Branislav Gröhling after the government’s negotiations on the results of coronavirus testing in schools

Of the 1,039 people with a positive RT-PCR test, 71.69 percent were not vaccinated. “In terms of antigen testing, 263 were positive, 72.39 percent did not receive vaccination.” specified on the website of the Ministry of Health. They added that 10,449 RT-PCR tests and 22,606 antigen tests had been completed the previous day.


The most positively tested RT-PCR tests were in the Prešov Region (297), followed by the Žilina Region (199), Košický (183), Trenčiansky (104), Banskobystrický (98), Bratislavský (82), Trnavský (41) and Nitriansky (35). ). There are 493 men and 546 women among them. A total of 194,745 men and 213,054 women have tested positive so far.



500 are already hospitalized

The number of hospitalized patients increased by four to a total of 500, 397 people have confirmed the disease. “Among hospitalized, 83.22 percent of people are not vaccinated at all or only partially vaccinated,” reminded the Ministry of Health (MZ) SR. There are 55 patients at JIS, 46 people need the support of artificial lung ventilation. The number of confirmed victims of the pulmonary form of COVID-19 increased by two people. “The total number of deaths ‘per covid’ is 12,596 and the total number of deaths ‘with covid’ is 2462,” stated the Ministry of Health.

The total number of completed laboratory PCR tests is so far 3,553,956, while 407,799 persons were tested positively. The total number of antigen tests performed so far is 38,200,269, of which 389,849 were tested positively. The total number of people vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine is 2,436,865, with 3622 vaccinated the previous day. The second dose of the vaccine has already been received by 2,244,780 people, and 4,081 people have been vaccinated the past day.

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