PHOTO The center of Bratislava is being blocked en masse by bus operators: Doležal is said to have ignored private work! –

According to the Green Wave, the police are urging drivers to avoid this section. The Bratislava transport company informs that the traffic of line 203 has been interrupted on Námestí slobody. In the direction of driving to Koliba, he travels by diversion through Kollárovo námestie – Radlinského – Imrich Karvaš – Námestie slobody and from Žilinská he travels his route.

They criticize the fact that the minister did not invite them to negotiations

These are private bus operators who point out the absence of state aid and criticize the fact that their Minister of Transport and Construction, Andrej Doležal (nominee of We Are a Family), did not invite them to negotiate a new aid scheme. At the same time, the Bratislava police informed on the social network that the Bratislava traffic police officers ensure the passability of the road in the city center in connection with the protest drive of bus drivers, while the protest was unannounced.

Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

They were driven by weak sales

Darina Mosná, Vice-President of the Union of Private Bus Carriers, explained to the office of the government of bus operators that for 18 months they have had sales at the level of 10 to 30% compared to last year. “Last year we received some subsidies, when it was still at the Ministry of Economy (MH) SR, but at the moment they have transferred it from the new year to the Ministry of Transport and Construction (MDV) SR. We have September here, the end of the year is approaching and no one with us does not negotiate, “ Mosna criticized.

She added that at the last meeting at the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic there was an oral agreement with MDV that they would invite private bus operators to the negotiations, but so far this has not happened. “Although Mr. Doležal sometimes answers the SMS in the style that yes, it will be, for a while, but so far we have not been invited,” concluded Mosna. She added that the union does not even know what should be in the aid scheme, what it will look like and whether small and medium-sized carriers will get into it at all. “We don’t know why the minister is bypassing us,” added Mosna. She calculated that there are about 370 companies within small and medium-sized bus carriers.

The resort wanted to launch help in the fall

On September 10, the Ministry of Transport announced that it would launch further assistance for bus operators in the autumn. “We are ready to provide additional assistance for bus operators. The assistance will be focused on tour, ie non-scheduled bus transport, as well as on regular international bus transport. We are also preparing a large aid scheme for large companies in this area.” said Minister Doležal.

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