Shocking daughter of Charlie Sheen’s shocking: I was imprisoned in the household where I was abused! | Telkáč.sk – Telkáč.sk

09/21/2021Actors and actressesThat’s what it’s called a shock. Charlie Sheen’s daughter and Denise Richards really poured out their hearts. On the social network, Tiktok published short videos in which she confided in the public, bullying her at home. She later hid the video from the public.

She is happier than ever. However, the statement of the 17-year-old daughter of actors Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards Sami Sheen was preceded by a harsh indictment. On the social network, Tiktok stated that she suffered at home.

I was imprisoned in a household where I was abused

“A year ago: I was imprisoned in a household where I was abused, I hated, days passed when I didn’t eat or sleep, I had unreal depressions, I hated school, etc.,” she led to a video in which she had a sad expression and tears in her eyes. According to the portal Page Six she lived with her mother Denis at the time.

In the next shot, she was already happy and the caption sounded different. “Now: I finally moved out of the house of hell, I survived the spiritual awakening, I have two cats, I’m happy and free, full of love for myself, and I left high school,” she wrote. These videos caused outrage and later her parents reacted as well.

I’m sorry, Sheen is happy to be together

Although she did not say which parent she lived with, according to the portal, she should have lived with her mother at the time of the “tyrannical household”. Today she lives with her father Charlie Sheen. In July, she added a video saying that the actress wanted to kick her out of the house. According to the source, it is all the result of teenage anger.

In March, she congratulated her daughter on her 17th birthday. “I can’t believe my beautiful little girl is 17. Time flies so fast, I’m amazed at what a beautiful young woman you’ve become,” she wrote.

“Denise set the normal rules that each parent set.” told the portal source. “She’s a mother and a parent, and there are some rules. She didn’t want to follow them.” the source said Sheen did not support such rules and had a different parenting style, and Sami decided to live with him. “Denise loves her daughter and is sad from the whole situation,” he added.

Actress with current partner, daughters Sami (right) and Lola (left) and with her adoptive daughter Eloise.

Charlie Sheen’s deputy Jeff Ballard, on behalf of the actor, said Sami is amazing. “I love her and all my children unconditionally. We enjoy it,” wrote on behalf of Sheena. Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards formed the couple from 2001 to 2006. She filed for divorce in 2005 when she was pregnant. Together they have two daughters, Sami J. Sheen (born 2004) and Lolu Rose Sheen (born 2005).

Author: © Zoznam / AMaj

Photo: Profimedia, TASR / AP / Peter Kramer, NBC, Video: YouTube / Hit News

Tags: Charlie Sheen Denise Richards.

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