The People For People party has lost more members: The young are over! The behavior of Remišová and the management is unacceptable –

The behavior of the party leader Remišová and other members of the party leadership after the departure of the faction around Mária Kolíková is unacceptable for the members of the organization. Young People for People distanced themselves from this behavior and ended their support.

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The young are over

For this reason, the members of the youth organization decided to end their support for the For People party and to end any further relations with it. “At the same time, all members of the Young For People organization, who were also members of the party, will terminate their membership in the For the People party,” said members of an organization that had its constituent assembly before the parliamentary elections with the participation of the party’s founder, President Andrei Kisk.

The party is undemocratic

All its members joined the support of this party precisely because of the ideals and principles embodied by Andrej Kiska and others, such as Mária Kolíková or Vladimíra Marcinková, which are no longer in the party. “The members of the youth organization are convinced that the For People people have lost these ideals and principles. According to the members, the party has lost its vision in the form of a centrist and democratic alternative full of capable and high-quality experts and people from the regions.” members stated.

Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

“Today, members of a youth organization consider the People’s Party to be an undemocratic party of one person who has pushed any potential out of it, and they expect it to disappear or merge with another party in the future.” I write in the party.

We will no longer operate under the For People brand

The decision of the youth organization is not only related to the external conduct of the chair and other members of the party’s presidency, but also to the internal conduct of these people. “The party’s leadership did not allow for any promotion of sound political solutions to young people’s problems, nor did it allow for any healthy and normal functioning in the relationship between the youth organization and the party, for example due to neglect of relations by the chair or internal struggles and promotion of are part of the next circle of the chair of the party, “ criticized by members of the organization.

The For People came

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

Members are convinced that the party is no longer an alternative to “the mafia state of Smer-SD” at the same time, the party can no longer protect and balance the public interest from the behavior of some coalition partners. “This is one of the reasons why members of the youth organization called on the party leadership for an early assembly in May, as it was the only solution to save the party at the time.” stated. The youth organization is registered as a civic association. They soon plan to have a dream in which they will change the name and statutes of the organization and agree on the next step, but no longer under the brand For People.

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