Soldiers who refuse to be vaccinated are threatened by Naď to expulsion –

Minister of Defense Jaroslav Naď (OĽaNO) is dissatisfied with the vaccinations of members of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. It is at a level of just over 55 percent and Naď announces that it will do everything to increase it.


20/09/2021 08:44


Unit joined at the headquarters of Sector 4 (Camp Štefánik) of the UNFICYP mission during the visit of the Minister of Defense Jaroslav Naď in Famagusta, Cyprus on July 30, 2021

The head of the Ministry of Defense compares the vaccination rate of soldiers with the Czech Republic, where it is at the level of 85 percent. He informed about it in his profile on the social network.

“How is it possible that Czech soldiers are much more vaccinated than ours? That they want and ours don’t? That they are not afraid and ours is afraid? That they did not succumb to disinformation and ours? ”Naď asks.

He stressed that there are currently dozens of sick soldiers on the covid. Specifically, there are 30 soldiers in Slovakia and two in the Czech Republic. “And we have an armed force half as small. We expect a fundamental deterioration of the situation in the whole country precisely because of unvaccinated people, and our armed forces must be prepared for this, not only materially and by training, but also by vaccination, “he continued.

He also reacted to the fact that some unvaccinated soldiers say that at least they will have to do all the difficult robot only vaccinated. “Well, I can warn the mudrlans right away that if they refuse to perform the set tasks, resp. they will not meet the conditions for their fulfillment, for example in the form of completing an approved vaccination scheme before their deployment in foreign operations, etc., we will resolve this with them very quickly. There are up to ways in the existing legislation. We have almost 10 candidates for each position of soldier, the times when we took them all and had to force them in the system are long gone, “he concluded, adding that laziness, irresponsibility or even indiscipline and abuse of the system will not suffer.