Official: Pierre Hurmic imposes the limit to 30 km / h in Bordeaux –

Pierre Hurmic wants to limit the speed to 30km / h in Bordeaux. (© / Nicolas Gosselin)

As expected, Pierre Hurmic announced this Wednesday 15 September 2021, the speed limit at 30 km / h for vehicles throughout Bordeaux (Gironde), apart from a few major axes, such as part of the quays, from January 2022.

The area of ​​the city where this limitation is already imposed will drop from 37% currently, to 89% in 2022. The key: “less noise pollution and more safety”, promises the mayor.

“A safer, more pleasant public space”

An announcement made on the occasion of the back-to-school press conference of the town hall, which was held this Wednesday morning, during which the city councilor defended his measure based on key figures.

According to the WHO, in fact, while a pedestrian has an 80% risk of being killed in a collision with a vehicle traveling at 50 km / h, the risk is only limited to 10% at an impact speed. of 30km / h.

Lowering the speed of road users by 20 km / h also cuts noise in half, notes the Town Hall.

“Calming traffic in Bordeaux means improving the daily life of its inhabitants by changing behavior. It is also an opportunity to redevelop the city in order to provide a more pleasant public space for residents, more user-friendly, better suited to the most vulnerable users and safer for everyone: pedestrians, motorists, cyclists. “

Pierre HurmicMayor of Bordeaux

The ecologist thus hopes for a better sharing of public space, for the benefit of pedestrians and cyclists.

Priority to the right and cyclic contra-flow

To do this, the measure will be accompanied by “entire sectors of streets in which priority to the right becomes the rule, where cycle paths are made safe to save travel time” adds Patrick Papadato, municipal councilor for roads, mobility, accessibility and parking.

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